“Let it be done for you according to your faith” and their eyes were opened.
I have an eye doctor appointment in a couple of weeks. I am not having any problems, but it is always good to have your eyes checked periodically. Our eyes, just like our faith does not have a “check engine” light. Our faith can be clouded over time. Our vision becomes impaired that we don’t even notice.
Our spiritual vision blurs in two ways. We become blinded by the sin in our lives and our faith weakens when we depend more on ourselves than the Triune God. We never become aware of our imperfections because they creep up so slowly.
We injure ourselves and where we fail the Devil takes over. He works in the most devious of ways. He lays road hazards into spaces in our lives that we do not become aware until the last moment. The Devil does not have a time limit.
We do.
As we start this new liturgical year it is time to stop and consider ways to strengthen our faith and to reaffirm our relationship with the “Holy One of Israel”.
The world around us can lead us in different directions. Nonetheless, look at the blind men in our Gospel today. I ask myself; do I have their faith? What if they did not have faith? Would they have been healed? It looks like they had so much faith that they couldn’t listen to everything Christ had told him and spread the news of the miracle of sight that they had received.
My wife, Anna, and I are not waiting for that “check engine” light to come on. We are focused on the faith we have and improving our spiritual vision. The relationships we have with family and friends are very important. The gifts we give are not as important as the faith we have and our personal relationship with Our Savior, Jesus Christ and the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Let ”The light of Christ” improve or vision and faith this Advent Season.
God Love You Always
Bob Burford
PS: Please pray for peace in the Ukraine. Please pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers.