Just this week my wife, Anna, was speaking and quoted an old proverb, “I once complained of my feet hurting until I saw a man with no legs.” It reminded me of the sermon from our pastor on Sunday in his homily on Luke 11. He said that in the Greek the word “temptations” can also be translated as “trials”. We all have them and if it is not us it is a son or daughter, sister or brother.
In today’s first reading, “The Lord said to Moses, “These are the festivals of the Lord which you shall celebrate at the proper time with a sacred assembly. “ The reading goes on the establish the month, the length and the offerings. Today and everyday at Mass we celebrate the Pascal Mystery. Look at the people around you at Mass today. As a group they all have trials yet they celebrate in the midst of all those trials. Some you may know personally and others you may not. We celebrate as an assembly every time we come together as a people.
In the Gospel Jesus says, “And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.” Why did his friends and neighbors treat Him this way? The reason is two fold. First His hometown as a community had a lack of faith. Who was Jesus to them but a common carpenter’s son. No big deal but Jesus to them was just a guy in the neighborhood. They looked down on Him. As a community they depended on themselves and not God. Here comes the second reason. They failed to celebrate what God could do or has done in their lives. Celebrations need more than one person. You might be familiar with the song by Liam Lawton, “Where two or three are Gathered” GIA Music. Celebrations such as the Mass are done as a community. We as a society tend to go it alone and hold our cards close to our chest. That is not how God wants us to celebrate His presence in our lives.
If you ever kept a prayer journal and you go back and read the first and last entry, you will notice a journey of trials, prayer, faith and celebrations. Our faith is perfected and increased by those celebrations and prayers of others who with great faith or just a little faith celebrate the Lord.
Don’t be afraid to share your burdens with others. Their faith and yours are a powerful union, knowing the Lord is there with you. Celebrate that union as often as you can.
God Bless You Always
Bob Burford
Note Feast of Saint Maximilian Kolbe is August 14th