take up his cross, and follow me.
This is why you must now know, and fix in your heart,
that the LORD is God in the heavens above and on earth below,
and that there is no other.
It is my hope that we all strive to help our neighbors. My mother’s stickiest rule as we grew up was to help our neighbors. Her eleventh commandment was that if God put them close to you, it was for a reason. That reason is so we had the blessed opportunity to help them in need and also to give them the opportunity to help us when we are in need. This is part of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Truth is we sometimes miss those opportunities. I am just as guilty as anyone else. For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay each according to his conduct.
Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death
until they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.”–
Saint Clare (1194-1253) was a contemporary of Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) . They were part of that generation in the city of Assisi who built the Kingdom of God in their city. It is worthy of note to say that their influence spread throughout the world from that city. She received her vows at 18 and became the prioress of the “Poor Clares” at 24. It was said that she held up a monstrance with the Holy Eucharist and drove infidels from her city. These saints inspire us but they lived at a different time and generation.
What is our generation doing to build the Kingdom of God?
More recently I have been thinking of what my mom, dad, uncles and aunts did in their lives to build the Kingdom of God. Each in their own way did something by the gospel of their lives to build it. My Uncle Elmer was not a public speaker but when it came to be in charge of his parishes Finance committee for a year, he did it and succeeded.
Today, you and I are responsible for building the Kingdom of God on earth. Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death
until they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.” We see the Son of Man coming into His Kingdom every time we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The grace we receive from the Eucharist should inspire any action we take during the day. Those actions no matter how insignificant build God’s Kingdom.
What is more important is that no generation builds the Kingdom alone. My parents and other relative did nothing by themselves. It is community that builds. Still better yet don’t we build as family. We are inspired as a family by the Holy Eucharist.
What if our children don’t go to Church?
Simple, they are inspired by us. The generation after Saint Francis and Saint Clare were inspired by their actions and so will our next generation. We are not alone, and the next generation will succeed by the Grace of God.
Luke 17:20-25 The Kingdom of God will not be able to be seen but is all around you.
God Love You Always
Bob Burford
PS: Please Pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers. Pray for the conversion of Russia and the salvation of the Ukrainian and Russian people and their soldiers. Pray for peace!