and I will show him what he will have to suffer for my name.”
I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”
The message from today’s readings can be summarized into two words…..go and live. This reminds me of the most famous radio talks by Bishop Fulton Sheen which is entitled “First Come and then Go” which are the first and last words of Christ on Earth. I revisited this reflection by relistening to this amazing homily by Bishop Sheen.
We are beset by contradictions in our Christian walk. Do we follow Jesus’ command to come and go or do we hold back and pick and choose who whom to love or not love. Do we become too busy in our own church to give the message of Christ to everyone and not just the lovable? We have to love the unlovable.
Bishop Sheen says that we cannot be overly busy in doing Jesus’ work. We have to be fueled by the Eucharist, and yes, another contradiction, we have to eat His flesh and drink His blood. Bishop Sheen spoke of conversations with Mother Teresa. He asked her how she had converted so many in her Hospice. They asked her how they could become more like her, and her answer was that she was trying to become more like Jesus. They then said that they wanted to do the same. Her actions spoke louder than words.
So too must we. Our actions to others are more important than what we say. Still, we need to be fueled by the Eucharist to complete the mission of Christ.
I know we have to take scripture as serious and calm and reflective. However, the words of Ananias always make me laugh. He says Lord are you sure you want me to do that and go see this man, Saul. He is supposed to be a very bad man and not too friendly to followers of the Way. Lord are you sure?
So, we might have a good time at laughing along with Ananias, but the message is clear we have to use actions and when absolutely necessary use words to convert the world. Listening to the Holy Spirit and scripture is great background for discernment.
Clearly, we must be fueled by the Holy Eucharist, if we are to be successful in converting the world around us. Ananias was prepared. He had doubts but never looked back. Doubting does not make you less effective as apostle of Christ. Jesus makes the imperfect in all of us perfect when we act as community that has the Eucharist at the center of our lives. Jesus knew this and emphasized this in our reading today. At the Last Super Jesus said this is My Body and this is My Blood. His body is real food and what is most important His body gives life.
If you get the chance listen to the homily of Bishop Fulton Sheen in the online audio clip “First Come and then Go”. It is riveting and surprisingly modern.
The last thing from the readings today came as an afterthought. Ananias helped convert Saint Paul. They were fed by the Eucharist. Saint Paul helped convert the Gentiles. They were fed by the Eucharist. All those Gentiles helped our ancestors and eventually it helped you and me and we are fed just as they were fed by the Eucharists. These people doubted and were imperfect. Yet the Good News of the Gospel was spread. Not necessarily by words but small simple imperfect example.
It is interesting how the Body of Christ grows in every generation by imperfect beings that consume the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. I pray with my grandfather’s rosary every morning. It is my morning ritual as I consume 3 cups of dark black coffee. I try to mirror the kindness of my mother with every person I meet. The point is that love is taught by our example. Actions speak louder than words. I also celebrate the Eucharist every chance I get. We need the life of Christ to continue our journey.
We live in family. We live in a faith community. However, we do not live in a box. We live in a changing dynamic world that is constantly changing. Our message, however, is not changing.
God Love You always
Bob Burford
PS: Please pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers. Pray for the conversion of Russia and for their salvation. Pray for the salvation and physical and emotional health of the Ukrainian people. Pray for peace in the Ukraine.