Friday, 7-14-17 God’s Love Language

Understanding God’s love language is central to human fulfillment and happiness. After all, God placed within our hearts a desire to love and be loved in return. He wouldn’t place this desire within such a sacred space if he didn’t intend on communicating the path towards its fulfillment. Human beings are created to seek love in their relationships with one another and with God. Given that it feels sooooo good to be loved then how, and why, do we get it so wrong sometimes? Why do we choose thoughts and activities that are not congruent with love? Wouldn’t life be a whole lot easier if we chose love all the time?  I believe it would be. However, before we can fully choose love we must understand God’s love language – the One who is the author of love.

Hearing God’s Voice

The other day I was in the Adoration Chapel at my home parish after morning Mass, just sitting there with Jesus and a thought came across my heart as I was reading my Bible. Rather, fear entered into my heart. “Do I even hear God’s voice” I thought to myself? I know in my mind that those who love Jesus know and hear his voice; however, do I actually do this? I don’t hear an audible voice, I don’t see visions, and I don’t fall into deep meditative trances. Then a deep sadness overcome my heart. I must be missing out on something grand. So there I sat… pondering what next. All I could do was pick up my Bible and try to communicate with God. Beginning with the scripture of the day I tried to listen to the voice of God.

As I sat with Sacred Scripture God revealed his love language to me. It was something I was already very familiar with, yet, since it didn’t come through with bells and whistles I must have missed something along the way. I already knew his voice – he just speaks very softly (and beautifully) to me. Upon this newfound “knowing” I saw a golden thread woven throughout Scripture that I hadn’t fully comprehended before. I didn’t literally see it mind you. Rather, I felt this golden thread and understood how it is woven throughout his Word. It was kinda like putting the last piece of puzzle into place – most of the work had already been done.

This golden thread is God’s Love Language and it is the binding glue that holds everything together. God’s love language hold scripture together, it holds God’s people together, it holds the world together, and it holds God’s entire universe together. And best of all, in as much as I am humanly able, I recognized this golden thread and my heart delighted in this newfound awareness. This golden thread, God’s love language, is in plain sight for all to experience.

Sacred Scripture

God reveals his love language through many avenues and sacred scripture provides the essential foundation necessary to understand his love language. Like a student who must spend time understanding their native tongue before they can receive instruction in school, we must spend time understanding the language of God by sitting with sacred scripture. The more time we spend with scripture, the more we will understand and receive God’s love language. As we sit with scripture we open ourselves to the message God has for us.

Sacred scripture is what we call a “thick text”, meaning that studying it will continually lead to a more profound and deeper understanding of its message. Given this, as we journey closer to God we will more fully experience more of him through scripture. A particular verse may have revealed to you an entirely different message last year than it does this year! Don’t you just love that! God continually draws you deeper and deeper into himself.

God’s Love Language

God speaks a language of love. I know the Italians speak a language of love too (I love Italy by the way and I want to go back there again soon!!!); however, God’s language of love also reveals to us his eternal promise. God has promised us that he will always be with us – for all of eternity. There is nothing we can say or do that has the power to keep God away from us. Going further, there is nothing we can say or do that has the power to cause God to break his promises. God loves us and he is eternally faithful.

As we begin to more fully understand God’s Love Language we will receive the comfort and peace our hearts desire. Looking at the life of Jacob we witness God’s faithfulness and the subsequent peace of heart Jacob’s family received. Jacob, grandson of Abraham, was reunited with his favorite son Joseph and his family was blessed. During the time of famine this family was protected. Yes, painful moments happened in this family – intensely painful moments. Yet, God was faithful and he used the painful moments for his glory. He never left them – and he will never leave you and your family either.

Lectio Divina

As I was sitting with today’s scripture readings, pondering which direction to take my reflection, I couldn’t help but reflect on the conflictions my heart experienced earlier this week. My rather newfound realization of the golden thread was still very fresh in my mind and heart. Then, after reading today’s Psalm my heart spoke rather loudly to me – “Carolyn, it’s time to sit with this Psalm through Lectio Divina.” And so I did.

Today’s Psalm reveals to us God’s Love Language! It’s all there – his promises, his love, his presence, his healing. Everything he has for us – all condensed into a few paragraphs. So I sat with Psalm 37 in Chapel this morning, right in front of Jesus, and I allowed God to speak to me in his love language. A few things arose in my heart that I would like to share with all you.

Psalm 37 – Delighting in Him

God knows we need security in this world and he tells us how to receive it. We will encounter hard times in our lives, times that make us doubt and lose hope. After all, we live in the same fallen world that Abraham and his family lived in – and Adam and Eve, but that is a story for another day. Tough times are going to happen. However, God tells us to take delight in him – even in the hard times. When we take such delight he will grant us our heart’s delight. When was the last time you took pure delight in something or someone? You know, the delight you see when a child squeals with joy! The delight that causes you to be joyful down to your very bones – I like to think of this as divine delight and joy. This is the kind of delight God is talking about. Full out, pure, limitless delight in HIM!

What happens to such a heart when it is filled with such divine delight and joy? Love, bliss, joy, safety, security, everything that is of God… everything a human heart could ever need is experienced. No wonder God will grant us our hearts request when we are in such a state. A heart is filled with everything that is of God leaves no room for anything else. No room for fear, anger, or shame – only joyful Godly delight. Delight that leads to a fulfillment of our heart’s requests.

Psalm 37 – We Will Be Persecuted

Yes, my friends in Christ, we will suffer persecution. Today’s Psalm reveals this and in today’s Gospel Jesus warns his disciples of their impending persecution. Yet, God watches over us and he calls us to himself. We are called to take refuge in him and such refuge calls us to love and forgive those who persecute us. Perhaps we will not suffer the persecution Jesus’ disciples suffered, or like those in the Philippines today, or like the Christians suffering persecution in the Middle East; however, we will all suffer persecution of some kind.

When was the last time someone gossiped about you, hated you or despised you? The forms of persecution are vast and wide, and at their core you will find a disconnect from love and an inability to understand God’s Love Language. Through it all God speaks his love language to us – a language full of love and faithfulness. God calls us to take refuge in him during our times of distress. He calls us to turn from evil and to do good. Such a call comes with a promise. He will save us and we will spend all of eternity with him.

Psalm 37 – Lectio Divina

I invite you to practice Lectio Divina and meditate on Psalm 37 today or this weekend. I believe you will transcend to a place where God speaks to you, I know I did. You may not experience bells and whistles, you may not hear an audible voice, you may not see visions, and you may not fall into a deep meditative trance. However, God will speak to you through his love language and you will come to know more of him, his plan for your life, and his plan for the lives of those you love.

How I Practice Lectio Divina

On my website I have shared how I practice Lectio Divina. I invite you to join me in this beautiful prayer. Here is the link: The LIVE Method – Lectio Divina

Thank You to Our Readers

I want all of our readers to know that I deeply appreciate the comments you share. While I can’t speak for the other authors, I sometimes can’t wait to read the posts that follow my reflections! They make me feel like a kid in a candy store sometimes! I can feel that many of your comments come from deep within your hearts. This makes my heart overflow with joy. Often tears come to my eyes after reading some of your comments. At which time I offer immediate thanksgiving to God. Knowing that I have touched another’s heart is humbling and amazing. I pray for all our readers and it warms my heart to know we share a beautiful long distance relationship.

May your family be blessed my friends in Christ. – Carolyn

Triune God – heal those suffering persecution in all parts of the world.

Sacred Heart of Jesus – have mercy on us.

Father God – consume us.

Holy Spirit – enter in to us.

Mother Mary – pray for us.

Saint Kateri Takakwitha – pray for us.


Today’s Readings Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30; Psalm 37: 3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40;  Alleluia John 16:13A, 14:26D; Gospel Matthew 10:16-23

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Thanks Carolyn. I like this line… There is nothing we can say or do that has the power to cause God to break his promises. Doesn’t this sentence fill us with hope and love, just reflect on it and its enough. Thanks again Carolyn

  2. Thank you so much Carolyn. Should I have not encountered the “Catholic Moment” I am not able to understand and know what Lectio Divina is all about. I am just too touch when you mention the pain which the Philippines have this few weeks (month) , But anyway You have explained much about ” God’s Language of Love”.

    Reading your reflections, actually brings healing into the pains our hearts bear!
    Thank you and God Bless you more!

  3. God is eternally faithful . Thank you so much Carolyn. God bless and keep you and your family.

  4. Thank you for today’s wonderful reflection. I have truly been blessed upon reading the Psalm 37. Praise to you oh Lord, Jesus Christ!!!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your reflections to us readers weekly! I look forward to reading your reflection again next week! God bless you and your family. ?

  6. Thanks for the wonderful reflection. It gives hope to those who are suffering in one way or another. It makes them learn that all is not lost as God is with them and His time of saving them will eventually come. God hear our prayers concerning the Philistines and let the restlessness come to an end. Give them peace which they very much require at the moment.
    We also pray for peace in our country Kenya as we await for the General Elections on 8th August, 2017.
    God bless you Carolyn and your family. Its good to hear how much you long to read our posts

  7. I always look forward to your reflections. I need to key in on Lectio Divina, even as I’m trying to control the thoughts in my mind, which is always central to meditation. Wonderful reflection once again and may God continue to keep you in the hollow of His hands. All the way from Nigeria, God bless.

  8. Thank you Carolyn. I am truly amazed at the fresh revelation one gets from a particular sacred scripture when one reads it again and again. I love God’s word.

  9. God’s love language very difficult to discover bt truly exsit in our daily. Carolyn you hv hit de nail de head again. God blessings more grace n strength.From Ghana, Kumasi

  10. Lovely message Carolyn – truly beautiful and inspiring. May the Good Lord continue to make you an instrument of His Will and His Work! Have a Blessed Weekend!

  11. I like to read the reflections from a catholic moment at night time and also listen to the daily examen prayer on youtube. They are both very relaxing and give me a sense of peace. Thank you.

  12. Carolyn,

    Thanks for the splendid reflection! I marvel at your deep understanding of God! He has truly made you a very wise Woman.

    God Bless

  13. Thank you for your reflection on today ‘s readings. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  14. Hi Carolyn, thanks for the truly spirit filled reflection. You sure are spreading God’s love in a way you know how. May peace prevail in the entire world. Blessings from Nairobi, Kenya.

  15. Hi Carolyn, thanks for the truly spirit filled reflection. You sure are spreading God’s love in a way you know how. May peace prevail in the entire world. Blessings from Nairobi, Kenya.

  16. Thank you for your wonderful insight and reflection from Mtn. Village, Alaska! God Bless us.

  17. This scripture is exactly what I needed to read today. Verse 8, “Commit your way to The Lord, trust in him, and he will act” is particularly powerful!

    You have such a beautiful way of bringing God to life and are a true blessing!

  18. I very much enjoy the meditations of all the Catholic Moment writers. Today, your meditation made me think that language has words:
    From the beginning of St. John’s Gospel:
    In the beginning* was the Word,

    and the Word was with God,
    and the Word was God.
    He was in the beginning with God.
    * All things came to be through him,
    and without him nothing came to be.
    What came to be
    through him was life,
    and this life was the light of the human race;
    * the light shines in the darkness,
    and the darkness has not overcome it.

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