Friday, 6-30-17 Unity Through Mary

Let’s imagine for a moment what unity in the world would look like, envisioning a macro worldwide view. What do you see in this vision? I see the people of the earth living in harmony, expressing love, respect, and honor for each other. A true brotherhood and sisterhood firmly rooted in God’s love comes to my mind. It makes my heart soar with happiness.

Now, what do you feel needs to change for this to happen? And how can this change take effect? Given the current state of the world today, I am guessing that an ending of the violence carried out by Islamic extremists (and other extremist) come to the minds of many – such visions well up in my mind. However, before such healing can occur, a change is required. This is a change that only God can facilitate. Such a change will include a deeper empathy of the pain that others carry – including people of all faiths. Through true empathy we can understand why others do what they do, and most importantly, we can move into love and forgiveness.

The story of Ishmael and his mother Hagar lies at the foundation of Islam. Here we witness significant pain and heartache that has been handed down through the generations. Ishmael and Hagar were treated cruelly by Sarai (later to be named Sarah by God). They were excluded, they were despised, and they were cast out left to survive in the wilderness with only a portion of bread and water. If you have ever experienced the pain of exclusion in your family then you know that this pain cuts deep, often passing through the generations.

Abraham Loved Ishmael Too

Through it all Abraham still loved his son Ishmael. I can only imagine Abraham’s struggle – and at such an old age! I don’t know about you; however, even at my age (which is quite a bit younger than the ninety-nine year old Abraham in today’s reading…) I sometimes get very tired. At times I get worn out and become exhausted from all the strife and turmoil the world throws at me. The pain I witness in my family is exceptionally hard on me. Through my pain, I turn to God. So did Abraham. Through his pain Abraham petitioned God in an attempt to secure a future for Ishmael.

God delivered, he made a promise to Abraham. He made a promise to bless Ishmael. God always makes good on his promises, and given this, we can hold on to the truth that Ishmael was indeed blessed – as are the generations that have, and will, follow him. What I found most compelling in the reference to Ishmael was that fact that God heard Abraham. God heard Abraham’s plea for his son. And like Abraham, God also hears our cries.

As for Ishmael, I have heard you; I will bless him and make him fruitful and exceedingly numerous; he shall be the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation. – Genesis 17:20

God Hears Our Pleas

Our loving Father in heaven always hears our prayers and heaven is always working towards our good. Yet, there are consequences to our sinful ways. Abraham committed adultery, he had relations with Hagar at the encouragement of Sarai. Both Sarai and Abraham lacked faith, and this lack of faith led them into sin. The world now bears the weight of this sin.

Abraham, the father of the three main religions of the world, has a lasting legacy that includes both pain and joy. Through both the pain and the joy God is with us and he will help us heal. Sadly, Abraham’s painful legacy has manifested into a deep divide amongst his children. His children are more than deeply divided, they stand against each other all too often. Just as God foretold Abraham, Ishmael will stand against his brothers. Yes, the pain and division that was set into motion in the hearts of Abraham and his family is still ravaging the world today. And we think our families are broken! Poor Abraham…

He shall be a wild ass of a man,

with his hand against everyone,

and everyone’s hand against him;

and he shall live at odds with all his kin.” – Genesis 16:12

Finding Common Ground

When looking for a solution to any discord it is import to find common ground, an area where we can reach agreement and return to love. After all, love is the healing balm we need when we hurt inside. Given the depth and far-reaching effects of the brokenness in the house of Abraham, only a powerful-supernatural common ground will do. Only a divine connection can heal such a deep divide. The perfect connection can be found in the mother of Jesus Christ – Mother Mary.

Mary is an important figure in Abraham’s house because she stands in a unique position. She can be the world’s perfect divine instrument used for healing and transformation in his house. Not only is she a Jewish girl of Isaac’s lineage and the Mother of Jesus Christ, making her a central figure to both Judaism and Christianity; she is one of the most important and righteous women in Islam. Islam goes as far as to mention Mary numerous times in the Quran (more times than she is mentioned in the New Testament). As a matter of fact, Mary is the only woman mentioned in the Quran. Additionally, the Quran upholds the virgin birth, Mary’s divine grace and her perpetual virginity! So if we are looking for a cosmic power that has the power to heal the deep brokenness in Abraham’s house we need look no further than the Blessed Mother.

God promised Abraham that he would maintain his covenant with him through Isaac. Given that God is love, his covenant is love. It is his love that will heal the deep divide in the world. Love now has a name – Jesus Christ. And love has a mother – Mary. Her motherly love is just what the world needs to bring about the unity God desires for all of his children.

Motherly Love

Being a mother myself I understand the deep hurt experienced when my family stands apart. Sibling against sibling and parent against child are the deepest pain my heart has ever known. When division happens in my family I find myself “working behind the scenes” playing peacemaker, putting out fires that could develop into an all out infernal blaze if not tended to! If you are a mother (or member of a family!) I am guessing you are nodding your head in agreement right now. I have played referee more times than I can begin to imagine.

Then there is the experience of family peace. My heart soars when my family is at peace. When we share love, when we stand by one another offering the help we each need in this crazy life of ours all is good in my world. Witnessing playfulness, laughter, and love in my family lifts my spirit to heights beyond words. Through it all I strive to point my family to Jesus Christ. He alone is the one who we need to follow. Like Mother Mary, all of my strength comes from him and also like Mary, any significance I hold in my family comes through him.

Turning to Mary

Mary is the common thread in the house of Abraham, she can knit us back together with her motherly love. She not only holds an important position in all three of the religions that were born of Abraham, she loves the world with a mother’s heart. Remember, her heart was good enough and pure enough to be the chosen mother of God. We can turn to her in petitioning prayer for the healing the world needs today. She continues to work quietly behind the scenes, putting out fires, directing all of mankind to the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life with a divine mother’s heart. All we need to do is pray and ask for her intersession.

The Nine Faces of Struggle

Over the years I have witnessed what I call the Nine Face of Struggle – places where I see most of us become “stuck”, unable to feel the healing love God has for them. From unforgiveness to childhood wounds, we are experience life challenges that hold us back from experiencing the fullness of Jesus’ Sacred Heart. I invite you to learn more, here is the link: Nine Faces of Struggle.

May your family be blessed my friends in Christ. – Carolyn

Sacred Heart of Jesus – have mercy on us.

Father God – consume us.

Holy Spirit – enter in to us.

Mother Mary – pray for us.

Today’s Readings Genesis 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Psalm 128 1 John 4:7-16: Alleluia Matthew 8:17 AB; Gospel Matthew 8:1-4

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Thanks to this very soothing reflection.
    May the Queen of Peace, our Blessed Mother Mary with her mantle of protection cover the Philippines which is now having a month long war against the terrorist ISIS, spare all the innocent civilians and pray for the leaders of our country! May she also help Rev.Fr. Chito and his parishioners, being captives of them be spared from any danger! May God bless the Philippines as He bless Abraham & Isaac!

    Dear readers, please pray for our country and let us ask the intercession of the Blessed Mother!

  2. I join Loloy above being from Mindanao myself. We continue to pray for peace in our own country and the world and most importantly as you said in your article, in our own little world with our family, where sometimes division can take place. I can also relate to you and to Father Abraham when a family member hurts me, I can only turn to God and go also for spiritual direction when the going gets tough. We also pray for the loving intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Philippines. We hope and pray to be faithful to the Rosary as we ask Our Lady for the help we all need. Thank you.

  3. The strife within Abraham’s family can only be healed by God himself. Nigeria has a blend of Judaism, Christianity and Islam: the entire mix of the seeds of Abraham. Mutual strife and suspicion are everyday realities here. It comforting to know that Our Lady Queen of Nigeria can help us heal and unite the Nigeria family.

  4. nice reflection. We shouldn’t shy away from deep divides as we have. But I would say with the subject matter as intense as this one is (and we do learn a lot from our own family experiences) it’s going to be necessary to rely heavily on the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary’s and God’s solutions here. What we must try to figure out is, how best to co-operate with their solutions. Love your enemy does come to mind. Love has some demanding challenges with it and they ain’t all easy. God bless you all and especially the world hot spots where these things are so prevalent.

  5. In a safe country like Canada, it is hard to truly understand what life is like in other parts of the world, but we do not take our peace for granted. We do add our prayers for peace to those of our brothers and sisters in other countries–especially those in the Philippines and Nigeria, above. God help us and have mercy on us all. Mother Mary pray for us.

  6. Our Lady of FATIMA pray for us and let us remember you especially 100 years on from your apparitions.

  7. There is no division too large for God. I pray the Rosary for the conversion of hearts in my own family, but I will step it up with my prayers for our brothers and sisters suffering so much in Nigeria and the Philippines. I know Our Lady called for sacrifice, and prayer for the conversion of all people. I think she knows that this is the only way the strife will decrease or diminish. God bless you all.

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