Faith and The Fig Tree – 10/24/20

The fig tree provides unique symbolism in the Bible and understanding this symbolism can help us on our spiritual journey. From Genesis to Revelation mention of its fruit and leaves are woven throughout. Not only did Adam and Eve use its leaves to cover themselves in Genesis, the fig tree drops its un-ripened fruit in Revelation. So what can the fig tree reveal to us? And how can we better understand our place in God’s universe by developing a bit of an understanding of the fig tree?

Jewish Symbolism

To begin, during Biblical times the fig tree represented Jewish Nationalism, prosperity, and security for the Jewish people. A little nap under the fig tree promised the ultimate experience of peace. Kind of like resting in a favorite hammock on a carefree sunny afternoon – except much better! Both major and minor prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus himself used fig tree imagery beautifully.

The Jewish people also knew that it took time for the fig tree to grow. Significant care and attention must be given to this tree before fruit is produced. In light of this, any positive mention of a fig tree, or its good fruit, conjured up images of well-earned Godly abundance and goodness. Yummy figs and the reception of God’s blessings are both worth waiting for indeed.

Fig tree symbolism is rather edifying. Mention of its good fruit and bad fruit in Jeremiah divided the “good” and “bad” people; those who followed God’s commands and those who did not. The mention of bad fruit would bring to mind the distancing of God and the withdrawal of his hand to people of biblical times.

Perhaps the gardener in Luke 13:1-9 is Jesus Christ who in the end will judge our lives.  But the priests in our parishes are also the workers in the Lord’s vineyard who bring God’s word to us and bring the love of Jesus Christ to us through the sacrament of communion and through their homilies. Our parish communities also works toward cultivating a welcoming atmosphere and encouragement to be actively involved in the life of the parish.  However, after many years of attending mass, receiving the sacraments and being involved in the life of the parish, it should begin to show in how we treat one another.

Does it?  Have we noticed any new growth in our soul and how we treat others?  How are we doing?  Hopefully we have made some progress in being kinder to others and giving those around us a little more care and attention, because of the graces we are receiving through the increase in our prayer life.

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Thanks be to God for this beautiful reflection,Our lady of perpetual help come to our aid o Loveing mother.

  2. Thank you for the clarifying the symbolism of the fig tree. Please pray for my son who is struggling to overcome his addictions, and for him to find a job, and pray for me that I always be open to, and have the courage to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. God Bless you, and thank you.

  3. Thanks Dear. I Really Learnt Something Today. Pray For Me For Victory And Prosperity In Life.

  4. Thanks Carolyn for another enlightening reflection. Your insights are so helpful in helping me understand scripture. God Bless you

  5. Thank you Carolyn. Friends in Christ, please join me in prayer for my husband and for all spouses who need to forgive or be forgiven. That our marriages produce an abundance of figs. I pray for your needs also. For where two or three are gathered in My name, there I Am with them.

  6. Pray for my great nephew Jack James (JJ) born yesterday that his parents raise him bathed in God’s love and he grow up to be a Godly man.

  7. Please pray for my colleagues health. My family, my work and my private life. God bless you all. ?

  8. Dear God please open our eyes so we can see our faults and show us the way to correct them. I believe but please help my unbelieve

  9. Please pray that my two young sons will always love, serve, honor and follow our ever faithful God and savior. Please pray that my husband and I will teach and lead our sons by our loving, patient examples. Please pray for the conversion of my husband. Please pray that I will be patient with my potty trained 3 year old who continually is having “accidents” in his pants. He was seeing a GI doctor for constipation, but I don’t think it’s that anymore. I think he just doesn’t want to stop doing what he’s doing and I don’t know how else to tell him that he needs to put his toy down and go in the potty. I try to be patient but some days I get so upset. I realize that this sounds really silly to pray for, but it’s my lack of patience that concerns me. Finally, my husband is in the military. He’s getting ready to head out of the country for the next 2-3 months. Please pray for his safety and again for my patience with all things. We don’t live near Family. It will be me and my two boys alone all summer long. Carolyn, thank you so much for your words. I know I need to work on non-judgement. You and your family and all here are in my prayers.

  10. Prayers for faith groups started in our church community. Trust in the Lord for the groups formed – that this is the doing of the Holy Spirit! Openness to learn, to heal and not to judge – above all to love those who are different from us! May the Blessed Virgin Mary be present in each group – guiding Her Son’s children as a Mother – so many of her children are hurting and hiding – not recognizing – each have been gifted with ” balm ” and the ability to wrap those wounds with listening hearts and sighs of compassion! Amen

  11. FGK, your little boy may just need more time. Accidents are very common for his young age! My own grandaughter had accidents at 5! Praise and be grateful for each time he gets it “right”. He is still a baby and just needs to learn on his own timeline, not yours. I will pray for God to help you have more patience with this. God bless your husband and especially you who will need strength and confidence to help you ti continue to be a loving mother to your beautiful sons.

  12. Dear FGK,
    Though other prayer requests may seem “bigger” being a stay takes prayer with each step. It can be very isolating I know. God bless you in your vocation and perhaps you could look at this situation as God using your son to help you develop (even more) patience. He has faith in you and will give you strength in all your mothering. You are in my prayers as are the others in this group.

  13. Pls pray for me So i can pass the university interview and get the slot in University,if it’s God will,let your will be done Oh God

  14. thank you for that wonderful and insight reflection. you are blessed and also all the crews who have made this site possible to view. And all the Global light for christ members. I ask the triune God to continue to give us good health of body and mind, so that we can continue to unite in our worship to thee. Amen. I need prayer for my work to be noticed to as many clients. I need your prayer for my mom and grand mom and my wife and all my entire families.Amen

  15. Thank you, Carolyn.

    I recently asked for prayers concerning my reckless driving charge. My court case was this week and, thanks to the grace of God, everything went well. My charge was reduced to a speeding infraction.

    The Lord heard everyone’s prayers. Thank you and may God continue to bless all of you.

  16. Yes, I took your suggestion and invited a group of parishioners to a monthly meeting for spiritual nourishment and support. We’re going too start with sharing our personal journeys. I have in mind to use BISHOP Barron’s Catholicism series as a means of better understanding our catholic life as church today. NYC is filled with single people who live alone. I was surprised at how eager everyone was about joining the spiritual friendship circle. Please pray for us and share your thoughts about my plan. Louise/NYC

  17. Thank you Carolyn for your encouraging outlook and prayers for all of us. Let the fig trees in our lives grow tall and bear the fruit and blessings we so desperately need. Its great to have you with us again at the CM. Peace with you.

  18. Greetings Carolyn, Thank you so much for your reflections. Good to have you here with us. You have been missed. May the Good LORD hear and answer all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  19. I was pleasantly surprised to see your name at the top of this reflection Carolyn.Thank you for your wonderful reflection and for digging deeper into the use of the fig tree throughout the bible and in the teaching moments of Jesus.
    God Bless you and all those who write for this website.Prayers for all those who have requested prayers above.

  20. To FGK- You have a lot going on in your life right now with your boys and husband. So many in your family are relying on you. My husband and I did not have family near us either so I realize how difficult this is. The good news is that the Holy Spirit will give you the strength you need- that was how we made it! In the process of that we discovered how important, how powerful and awesome the Holy Spirit is! All you have to do is ask DAILY for the Holy Spirit to come to you & your family. Start your day out in a quiet place to pray- ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you. God Bless You!

  21. Thank God for his words. Using you as an instrument, spreading the gospel to everyone in catholic moment. We need his words every day to direct our part back to God. Thank you Carolyn for reflection and for the prayer petitions you help us in praying too. God bless and keep you and your entire family. Amen

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