Friday, 4/22/16 – You Know the Way

Jesus and the Eucharistic Bread

Jesus told his disciples “Where I am going you know the way”. He reminded them that they knew the way to the place Jesus is preparing for them in his kingdom.  However, it appears that they did not. Thomas, speaking as a human being, blatantly told Jesus that they did not know where Jesus was going, nor did they know how to get there – they did not know the way.

So how can they not know the way? Jesus was standing right in front of them. He lived with them, he ate with them, he performed a multitude of miracles in their midsts. I guess the answer is rather simple, they are human beings like us. We, like the disciples get confused too, we experience troubled hearts and we lose faith. We don’t always know the way to our heavenly home either. We, like the disciples, also live in the world and we carry the stain of original sin that muddies the way to Jesus. So how can these men come to know the way to the sacred place Jesus is preparing for them? Or the better question for us becomes, how can we come to know the way to our Jesus home?

If we can trust anything in life we can trust that the words Jesus spoke in scripture are true. It is true that in God’s house there are many dwelling places and one is being personally created for each and every one of us by our Savior Jesus Christ. It is true that we know the way to this home – even when we, like Thomas, believe we are lost without the wisdom to know how to move forward.

So let’s dream for a bit together shall we? Let’s give ourselves the gift of visualizing the home Jesus is preparing for us. What would you like to see in this home of yours? Will your loved ones be there? Will they be whole and healed? Will you be whole and healed, perhaps living in a transformed body like Jesus did during those 40 days after his resurrection, fully illuminated and resonating life and love? Will your pets be there? Will you experience peace with those who have harmed you in this lifetime? Will the balm of forgiveness easily comfort your soul so that you experience a freedom you could never have imagined? What will your abode smell like; flowers, herbs, sea air, spring time? What will be in your yard, in the rooms in your Jesus house? How many rooms in your home? Will you have books, plants, soft blankets, a kitchen full of your loved ones enjoying a meal together? It’s beautiful isn’t it! And at the foundation I imagine you will find infinite love, a house built on a solid rock. I can only imagine that mine is formed in a milieu of love beyond my wildest dreams and all that I love is present. My heart will be at peace.

So how do we find our way home? Jesus said that we already know. He is the way and we enter into heaven through him. So how do we find him? After all, we must find him before we can follow him. Of course, we turn to scripture where we learn that Jesus is found within each and every one of us.

On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

– John 14:20

You see, God has already taken care of everything – he has given us the roadmap to follow whether we know it or not. This knowledge already exists, it is inside of us. All we need to do is learn how to read the roadmap – it is spoken in the language of the Holy Trinity.

Jesus said in today’s Gospel – “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus’ words are true and as his followers we are blessed to know the truth. While as his followers we are infinitely blessed to have knowledge of this Jesus, we have work to do. We must pray, we must study his word. We must spend time with him in Holy Mass and we must partake of the Sacraments. We must invite him into our hearts and minds on a daily basis. You see, Catholicism is full of true life and abundance; however, we must do our part because we are blessed and we are chosen, we are set aside.

However, this is where many find Christianity offensive and elitist. If God is all loving, all forgiving and all-knowing, then why are only the Christians granted access to this divine kingdom? Why do only Christians receive the sacred homes created by Jesus? What about those who do not know him? What about the Buddhists, the Hindus, those who follow “earth” religions like the Native Americans, those spiritual “oneness” individuals, and, yes, the Muslims? What about those who live under Communism regimes? What about the inhabitants of Jerusalem who failed to recognize Jesus (or those who fail to recognize him today?) – those who killed him? What about those who have suffered hideous abuse, those who suffer such deep pain and despair that they have given up all hope? What about those who have fallen prey to addictions where shame keeps them from Jesus? What about those who don’t know how to find escape from their pain, those who don’t know they can reach out to Jesus? Does God not love them because they are not Christians? Of course not! And of course, we can never know how far God’s mercy extends.

God loves all of his children. Remember, after God created Adam and Eve he said “it was very good” He didn’t say “I did an o.k. job”, or “boy that was a mistake” No – God created a masterpiece!

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. – Genesis 1:31

Yet, this masterpiece is still a work in progress and we, the Christians, are called to be God’s artists. We are called to be like Jesus, to love like Jesus so that the whole world will know and proclaim the Truth. Where all above the earth and below the earth will proclaim his holy name and ALL knees will bend.

So for now, let’s follow him. He lives inside us and he will show us The Way. And remember, to whom much has been given much will be expected. We Christians have been blessed with a multitude of divine truths and we are blessed with a personal invitation to the King’s table. Being a devout Catholic I believe, with all of who I am, that inside Catholicism is found a divine space where we can come to know the profound beauty and love of God. So let’s journey together my Catholic friends and allow Jesus to be the way, the truth and the life in our hearts so that the entire world may come to receive the love God offers.

I love you Jesus!

Today’s Readings: Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2; John 14: 1-6

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Powerful, powerful, powerful! Thank you for today’s Catholic reflection. …to love like Jesus…this ties in with Dan’s message the other day about pre-judging. Thank you for sharing. May God continue to Bless you & all who share their insights / reflections on our daily Catholic readings. Keep up the very good work!

  2. Thank you Carolyn. Your writings are always wrapped in love and living that gift of Love. How is the book writing coming? I pray you are being inspired by The Holy Spirit and you are the co-pilot to God’s gift that you are putting words to. Blessings

  3. Beautiful Carolyn. It is a joy to hear your’e reflections. God Bless you and family.

  4. Your reflection is so wonderful. I wish to always have daily readings from you. Thanks and may God bless you all

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