Friday, 4/27/18 I Love You Brittany | Happy Birthday

Today is a big day in my life. Twenty eight years ago I gave birth my second daughter, Brittany Berghuis. I remember the first moment I laid eyes on my little baby. Coming out of consciousness after an emergency c-section and a very hard labor, a nurse held my new-born daughter in front of me. I was dazed and barely coherent – my new-born baby girl was undoubtedly suffering the effects of the long ordeal too. Holding my baby near my face so I could see her, a nurse gently spoke to me – “Here is your daughter Carolyn.” Time suddenly stopped, all that existed in my world at that moment was my little baby and myself.  Maternal love arose from deep within. I then spoke my first words to her as I kissed her little face – “I love you Brittany”. Words I would repeat over and over as she grew. To this day I sometimes playfully ask Brittany what my first words to her were – with a smile she replays – “I love you Brittany”.

Joy Can Be Fleeting

Yes, that was a glorious day; however, my joy would be challenged. Like others in the world, my family would experience heartache and pain. We would be tried – over and over again. My relationship with Brittany would be tried, my relationship with my oldest daughter Alicia would be tied, my relationship with my son Christopher would be tried, and my relationship with my husband would be tried. Time and time again we would face struggles. While some day I will likely write my memoirs, for now I will leave you with the knowledge that I have experienced my fair share of pain and heartache in my lifetime.

Looking back throughout my life I can see a bit of how my pain and heartache entered into my life. My sins, sins of the generations before, and sins of the world all played a part. I also feel there has been a bit (or a lot) of spiritual oppression and attack. Looking back I can see that at the foundation of all the strife stood a lack of relationship with Christ – my own lack, my husband’s lack, and the lack of most of the ancestors that came before me. Fortunately for me, Jesus Christ never walked away. He remained near me always. Even before I knew it was Jesus, I felt his gentle presence within.

Who is Jesus?

In today’s first reading Paul speaks to the crowd and tells them that while those in Jerusalem had Jesus Christ put to death, God rose him from the dead. In raising Jesus from the dead God kept his promise of everlasting life. God promised his people an everlasting life, an eternal life that they would only experience through His Son. Everything changed when Jesus rose from the dead for us, the deal was done. We too will rise at the appointed time!

Paul would also later tell those in Rome and Corinth, that all are part of Christ’ body. You, I, and all of mankind are part of his sacred body. Included are those who do not know him (yet) – like my younger self. We are in this together. When one of us hurts, the whole body experiences pain. When one of us feels joy, everyone benefits from this joy. Pain and joy alike pass between all of us, moving through the generations.

Generational Patterns

Patterns move through families, patterns that are congruent with God’s plan of goodness for humanity and patterns that lead to a painful spiritual chasm between the maker and the made. Families certainly tend to “lean” a certain way. Some lean towards God, and others, sadly, lean away from God. However, God is always faithful, always present, and always ready to draw us home. He rescued me many times over. Among the many generation patterns that have been broken in my life is divorce. I am the first woman in four generations who did not experience divorce. My maternal great-grandmother (who was an Irish immigrant born in the late 1800’s), my maternal grandmother, and my mother all experienced the pain of divorce. Yes, all three women who came before me had marriages that ended up in divorce. Not a good track record! And yet, here I am, very happily married after 28+ years.

Moving Through Jesus

God the Father, our creator, continually creates everything out of his infinite love. All of creation, including mankind, then comes into existence through his Son – Jesus Christ. Creation will remain a part of the sacred body of Christ for all eternity. Yes, we forget the journey our soul takes when we enter into this world and become a human being. And sadly, as a result of this forgetting, we sometimes fail to reach out to the love we were created in. However, our forgetting and our lack of reaching out does not change the fact that we are part of the body of God’s Son, the second person of the Trinity. In order to move back towards God we must move through Jesus Christ. This is done when we move into relationship with him.

Jesus knew that while we would forget the way to the Father, somewhere inside we will always know the way to the Father. I like to equate this internal, and sometimes buried, knowing to our internal longing to love and be loved in return. Jesus, who is the way and the truth and the life, is the one who came into the world to show us what love really looks like. In Christ we find our eternal joy, love, and the road-map back to the dwelling place God has created for each and every one of us.

“Where I am going you know the way.” – John 14:4

Being Human

Yes, human families encounter sin and we will forget who we really are. We forget that we are children of God living inside the body of his perfect Son. Brittany has forgotten the moment when I first told her I loved her. But nonetheless, this forgetting does not change the fact that I love her and that I remember when I first spoke those words to her. I will always remember that moment. God, our perfect parent, and Christ the perfect son will always remember when they loved us into being. Together, they continually gaze upon us with perfect love – the Holy Spirit. They will never stop asking us if we remember their love, and most importantly, they will continually show us how to re-experience this love.

Each of us must live our own personal, and very spiritual, journey towards God. Life’s ups and downs make up this journey. There will be strife, Brittany and I have experienced pain and heartache too. Hopefully, as we remain faithful and continually return to Christ in our human weakness, we will be able to joyfully respond to God when he asks if we remember the first words he spoke to us by saying  – I remember your words God; “I love you “Carolyn”!

Global Light For Christ

Living as human beings means that we will get lost from time to time. When we are lost we will forget that we have a parent that loves us beyond all measure, whose first words to us were words of love. And sadly, we will forget that in order to return home to God we must follow Christ. We must learn to love like he did. If you are striving to love like Christ and grow in love then our prayer community, Global Light For Christ, would love to pray for you. I invite you to place your petition below. And most importantly, I invite all our readers to pray for one another, praying that we all experience the perfect love of our Triune God.

God bless all of you. See you next week Friday – Carolyn

God the Father – hold us in your Fatherly love.

God the Son – bring us through yourself.

God the Holy Spirit – immerse us in divine love.


Today’s Readings: Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11AB; Alleluia John 14:6; John 14:1-6

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Thank you so much for these reflections. My family is going through a difficult time. My marriage and daughter are being attacked by the evil one please keep us in your prayers ..

  2. I pray for the health of my unborn baby who will be entering the world in the next two weeks, for the health, safety and happiness of my family and friends, and for the intentions of everyone in this prayer community.

    Happy Birthday, Brittany!

  3. I pray for the intentions of everyone here and for my own intentions too. Thank you Carolyn.
    Happy birthday Brittany

  4. Please pray for my son Donovan who took the step to go to a drug rehab facility. He has a long way to go, and needs to spend time in a ‘step down’ facility when he is discharged from rehab soon. Please pray for him that he makes the right choice, and for his spiritual, emotional and mental healing. Also that he, my daughter and myself grow to tangibly feel the love of God and in turn to spread it. I pray for all our intentions in this group.

  5. Jennifer P…… we also have been waiting for your healthy baby! Help my husband and I to allow the Lord to immerse us in his love and to be the body of Christ. Prayers for the whole community. Happy birthday Brittany!

  6. Thank You Carolyn for your reflections. Please pray for my Mom & brother. We are gathering this weekend and there is so much anger between them. Help them sort through that with Gods love and grace.

  7. Please pray that I am healed from continually hearing my heart beating in my ears.Doctors are also trying to help but can’t find the answer.

  8. Thank you, Carolyn, for the lovely reflection. I’m praying for all the intentions above. Please pray for Joe and his family who are grieving for the death of his son, Joe, in a car accident. May Joe’s soul Rest In Peace.

  9. God bless you too ?. Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for me and my family to get the strength, peace, love and patience to go through these hard times.

  10. Many thanks to our prayer group. I may have found meaningful work.
    Also prayers for my family who continue to struggle.
    As I read these prayer requests I can sooo relate to many of them. Drugs, car fatalities, health, family strife. I pray that I have the faith to continue to turn to our Lord instead of my own way.

  11. Happy Birthday Brittany!!
    Please pray for my mom, my brothers and me that we make the best choices for my mom’s well being. She is in need of assisted living care now and has been severely depressed since the death of our dad. Pray for peace and understanding for all of us and for God’s Grace and healing for my mother.
    I pray for all the intentions in our prayer community here.
    God bless!!

  12. praying for all of our daughters – that they know the depth of the love we have for them.
    For my daughters, that the Holy Spirit blesses them with gifts of wisdom and courage in their decisions the next weeks.

  13. I pray for those left by loved ones in our country especially on this heavy rainy season. Lord let us experience your love through your son Jesus.

    Happy birthday girl Brittany

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITTANY, I ask this compassioate group to pray for my
    Brother George. He is 84 and had a large mass of cancer removed and now
    Looking at treatment. I was the only girl in a family of 3 brothers, 2 of them
    Have gone to God . Please God let me keep my last brother a little longer. Thank you
    And Bless this group for your prayers

  15. Pray that my son with Asperge r’s will be able to understand and experience the reality of God. Please pray for my other son, his wife and my grandbaby ..that tepid belief becomes strong

  16. I am praying for you all and for a blessed birthday for Brittany. Thank you Carolyn and all the writers here for your wonderful reflections.

  17. Happy birthday Brittany! Please pray for my son, 20, and daughter, 18, as they navigate these times of change and move towards greater independence. I pray that the Lord always be the whisper in their ear to guide them on their journey.

    I pray for all of you and your intentions.

    Thank you, Csrolyn.

    God bless all❤

  18. I don’t want to be selfish, but if you would pray for me I would really appreciate it. I want to experience the Love of Jesus in the worst possible way, but I find myself having doubts about whether he truly is the Son of God sometimes. I want to know him more fully very badly and have been searching, praying, and desperately seeking. Please pray that I will develop a more full relationship with Christ. Thank you!

  19. thank you Carolyn for your reflections, allowing me to understand and know that Christ is with me!!
    please pray for my husband who has not been able to find a job. Pray for our marriage that we hold on to each other and to Jesus Christ, as financial challenges come along. Love you all in God’s name. Have a Blessed day!

  20. Please pray for ME as I’m attempting to become more holy, to stave off foreclosure of our home, and really struggling with a possible divorce. The good thing is there are no ‘others’ between my wife and I; but the very bad of it is a true lack of understanding and somewhat of a language barrier too. We both need your prayers!!! Thanks and bless you all as well.

  21. Dear Lord
    I pray for all intention mentions above. May the healing hands of Jesus touch everyone soul and mind. Pray for my family who is gathering together for a reunion. Pray for my daughter and son in law that they may chose Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. Pray for my husband who died recently in a car accident Rest In Peace.
    In Jesus name Amen.

  22. Carolyn, you named your babies A, B, C in order! ?

    Jennifer Pereira, I figured your baby was due soon! I am praying for a smooth labour and delivery for you, and that your baby is happy and healthy!

    Happy Birthday, Brittany! Stay close to the Lord!

  23. Thank you everyone for your lovely prayers from my little one! My husband and I are anxiously awaiting her arrival 🙂

  24. Jennifer, this is the first time you let us know it’s a her! Yeah! Every time I pray for you I also pray for the other expectant families I know (including my Godson and wife due in June with a boy). Anyway I was thinking about you and how blessed your little baby will be as you have been so faithful in asking God’s loving arms to hold her throughout your pregnancy. Thank you for choosing life and being an inspiration to me (and likely others too).

  25. Carolyn, thank you for your lovely reflections. I request your prayers and those of the prayer group concerning the situation that I am in. I recently received a reckless driving ticket and my court case is in about one month. This is my first traffic ticket In 10 years or more.

    While I have a good driving record and do not have a criminal record, I am concerned about my situation — I have no one to blame but myself regardless of why I was driving fast at the time. I have asked the Lord for forgiveness and pray that I will receive a reduced speeding charge, as a reckless driving charge will affect my employment opportunities and I have a family to support.

    I pray for leniency by the court, and request everyone’s prayers.

    Thank you and Gob bless you all.

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