Friday, 3-30-18 Good Friday | Jesus Crucifixion Meditation

Sometimes I am out of words, left speechless. How could I possibly write of the beauty of the Cross, especially on Good Friday?  Jesus’ love is so big, so consuming, so inviting. He took on our pain, bore our sin, and surrendered all to the Father so that we could truly live – truly love.

During his life on earth Jesus was all about love and divine strength. He loved the people, he freed them from their pain and he showed them the way to the Father. And he was also strong! He stood firm with the Pharisees and Sadducees. He called them out – I would have been in a puddle on the ground!

So today, I am going to spend it with our Lord – in prayer and in community. I invite you to be with me. While I may be in my church building and you may be in yours – we are connected in spirit. One of my prayers today will be a meditation I call Passionate Love – Meditating on the Crucifix. This meditation came to me one morning while sitting in front of the Crucifix in the Saint Thomas Aquinas Chapel at Saint Meinrad Seminary – pictured above.

Passionate Love – Meditating on the Crucifix

As mystics Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross shared with us, deep meditation and contemplative prayer serves to strengthen the connective tissue between us and God. Such a bond creates a very real, physical change in our human bodies. I believe such practices serve to make our bodies more holy and open to receiving the messages of the Holy Trinity. Repetition is key, because after all, muscles need to be used repeatedly for them to strengthen. Our spiritual muscles are no different on that note.

How to Use the Meditation

This meditation is performed while gazing upon a Crucifix. Throughout the meditation you are invited to look at the deep, passionate love Jesus had for all of humanity during his Crucifixion. As you circle the Crucifix continually bring to your mind and heart the great love behind every pain Jesus suffered; physical, emotional, and spiritual. If at any time during the meditation you feel your mind wandering you are invited to practice Breath of Christ. Breath of Christ is done by following your breath and repeating the words I, love, you, Jesus. You can repeat this as often as you wish. Take your time and enjoy this sacred space with Jesus Christ, our Father, and the Holy Spirit.

No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:13

Preparation Steps:

  • Realize you are in the presence of God, he is all around you.
  • Take note of your breath and follow your inhalations and exhalations.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you empty your heart so you can receive any message God has for you.
  • Allow your heart to be open to God’s message for you during this meditation.

Let’s Begin. Remember, take your time with each step and only move forward to the next step when you feel ready to do so.

  • Begin by looking at the superscription at the top of the Cross: INRI – which means “This is the King of the Jews”. Call to mind that it was written in all three languages of the day; Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. Also, take time to honor our Jewish ancestors in faith and what they carry for all of us. Their loss is truly our gain. Without them we would not have our savior Jesus Christ.
  • Look at and meditate on the nail/wound on Jesus’ right hand.
  • Look at and meditate on the wound on his shoulder, where he carried the Cross.
  • Look at and mediate on the crown of thorns, his eyes, his face, his ears, his tears.
  • Look at and meditate on the nail/wound on his left hand.
  • Look at and meditate on his nakedness, the shame he bore for us. Call to mind the time in the Garden of Eden before shame entered the world.
  • Look at and meditate on the nails/wounds in his feet. Call to mind the fact that he trampled over death.
  • Look at and meditate on the wound on his right side. Look at the blood and water outpouring – the water and blood of eternal life.
  • Look at and meditate on his Sacred Heart. Allow yourself to rest in it. Feel what it feels like to be consumed by his great love.
  • End by giving gratitude for this sacred time. Focus on your breath for many cycles and come back into current time. Know that you are always in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is always in you.
  • Love with your whole heart the One who offered Himself with His whole heart for you. – Saint Claire of Assisi

Global Light For Christ

Our little prayer community keeps growing and we are all resting in Jesus’ loving arms.

If you would like to add your prayer intention below please do so. I personally look back on our petitions throughout the week when I sit in prayer. If you prefer to keep your intention private please email me and I will include you in my prayers. This week I am praying that God increase within each of us an increased ability to fall into his arms.

God bless all of you. See you next week Friday – Carolyn

God the Father – draw us in your Fatherly love.

God the Son – continue to help our hearts heal and forgive.

God the Holy Spirit – embrace us in your divine love.


Today’s Readings: Good Friday

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Hello. I’m back with my usual list of prayers. For Gods will on if we will/will not have on more child. For my little brothers heart & for an amazing woman to marry that God has for him. For my Uncle who is getting closer to surgery. Prayers for the doctors, for a miracle, and for quick recovery before his sons wedding. For my sisters baby boy who is coming any day now. For my mom & dad & brother who especially suffer and mourn the loss of their youngest son (my youngest brother). For my sister & brother in law. For their marriage & hearts. For all those who are hurting, mentally & physically. For my three beautiful children and my amazing husband. For the prayers of all those listed. Thank you Carolyn, thank you all.

  2. Jerry, this message is for you. Have you ever had the heartbeat in your ears checked out by a doctor? I was reading online and there are a lot of medical reasons for that symptom. You’ll probably need some follow up tests but from what I read it’s usually curable. Please find a doctor who will listen to you and attend to your needs.

  3. I pray for the petitions of everyone in this community, for the health of my unborn baby, for my health, safety and happiness of my family and friends.

  4. Am Asking God For Suces In Life. Protection From D Wicked And Under Aged Death. That He Uplift My Family So That Our Enemies Wil Folow Us To Do Thanksgiving.

  5. Thankful to God for the experience of another good Friday. I pray that our touches each one of us in a special way as we commemorate his passion and death.
    I also pray for my self as I struggle with healing and forgiveness.
    For journey mercies for all who will be traveling at this time.

    God bless this community

  6. thanks for this reflection God’s love is huge unfathomable. please pray for me and my family for God’s mercy, protection from every evil attack that has been affecting our breakthrough that God will fight the battle for us, pray for my brother who has been married for 12 years now with out a child that the mercy of God will locate him during this passion Friday, amazing wife for my brother Caleb, and financial breakthrough, good health for my mum. God’s favour for my family job for me no matter how little. Amen

  7. I pray that we all experience a deeper conversion this Good Friday,as the blood of Jesus Christ washes away our sins.I also pray for the intentions of every member of our prayer community,that God shall locate us at our moments of need,in accordance with His will.

  8. I pray for safe travel for all this Easter. As we remember Jesus’s crusification today, may we develop a more intimate relationship with him. I also pray for all who are still to acknowledge that Jesus is our mentor and saviour.

  9. I pray for my wife of thirty years who is entering into the church through the RCIA program. I pray for the mentors of the group that have given their time and inspiration to help her and others realize the great mysteries of our Catholic faith. May God bless all of them and our great priests who have shown so much support.

  10. Please pray for my precious mother who is very ill at the moment. If it is Gods will may her embrace her with his mercy and take her home, may her suffering end. I pray for my husbands business, may the Holy Spirit guide us in this new business endevour. May my husband be be kept safe on the road. I pray for my children’s health and safety, may the Holy Spirit guide them In very decision they make. I pray for my brother and his family, my The Lord protect and guide them in their move and new jobs. I pray for those that are sick, especially children and the elderly, may Our Lord place his healing hand on all. I pray for those suffering financial burdens, may they have faith in Our Lord who always provides. I pray for myself as I battle with hurt and forgiveness, may Our Lord take away my anger and bitterness and replace it with mercy and love.

  11. Am deeply wounded by how i was treated by my own people. I have reflected with the forgiving christ but it’s still painful. Pray for so that i can forgive my srs.

  12. I pray for an issue deep in my heart that has been tormenting me for 15-20 years. I cannot describe it in few words; but it is intensely personal and the reach of it has affected my entire life in every aspect. I am unable to move forward past it; and yet I cannot return to the state I was in before it happened. I’m lost: in 2 places without really being in just 1. I’m torn apart and desperately ask God to show me the way and give me the courage to do what is needed. Tell me Lord–what is BEST for me and put me on that path and end my suffering and indecision. I can stand little more I fear. Amen.

  13. I found out this week that I torn a tendon on my left leg when when patellar dislocated earlier this year. Please pray for me for healing. I pray that the tear is not a big one and that no surgery will be required. But if this is not God’s will then please pray for quick healing after surgery.

  14. My prayer in this Good Friday is that I will be totally overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. I will love God with all my heart and be totally surrendered to his will.

    I pray also for the manifestation of God in the lives of each member of my family at this particular time in our lives and the repose of the soul of our father who has just passed away.


  15. Mike Ruzza, think about the crucifixion. If Jesus could endure it and forgive it, then certainly you can allow yourself to forgive and endure also. Don’t make yourself a prisoner of the past. This Easter, resolve to be made new and rejoice in your new life, with God’s grace you can and will do it.

  16. Please pray for my friend Mica and her family as they lay her 27 year old son’s ashes to rest on the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow. I can’t even imagine her pain. “Things just happen and we don’t know why”.

  17. Help me to find the answer to what God wants me to sacrifice at this time in my life. Please help my husband and I to sell our condo that we can’t afford anymore.

  18. That my husband and all husband’s will join their wives and family in joyful Holy Communion. For all or brokenness…. that Christ may enter in.

  19. Carolyn
    Thank you for writing back.
    I read your Insights every week and they are very helpful. I have been to three doctors and they are still doing more tests.I try to be optimistic and also to ask for Gods help. Thank you for your prayers and I hope a solution is found.

  20. Please pray for my friend, Cindy, who has RSDS, a syndrome that leaves her in constant pain. May the Lord give her strength and a miracle healing. I pray for all of the intentions of our community, that the Lord will provide healing, strength and peace to all who are suffering.

    I am so grateful for this site which I found a year ago today in answer to my prayers. May all of you have a very blessed Easter.

  21. I ask prayers for my daughter as she goes through a very stressful time at work. Today she meets with a Human Resources administrator to state her case for an inappropriate letter she received from her building principal. It feels like David going up against Goliath. Please pray that she carries Christ in her heart knowing whatever the outcome, it will be the right one. His plan is always perfect. I also ask that her faith and love of God will grow from this experience.

  22. So much to pray for. Help me to be grateful as well.
    I give you my parents. Dementia is driving dad into a long term care facility very soon. He doesn’t understand why and it will destroy him. Pray for strength for mom and our family to do what is best and to accept.
    Pray for our children of whom all have rejected any faith. Especially our youngest who is trying so hard to fit in anywhere with anyone but keeps being rejected. That she finds her place with good people.
    Also our special needs daughter that we discern what is best for her. Also our son and daughters to find meaningful employment.
    For my wife and I to accept our children where they are at. Finally for me. Unemployed for 2 months now. Help me find the path our Lord wants me to take.
    God bless all of you.

  23. I ask a prayer for my family, my cousins both sick with cancer and me to never lose the peace, strength, patience and faith during trials.

  24. Please pray for my daughter for God’s guidance and protection during her pregnancy after suffering from two losses. May God give her the courage and assurance to overcome any fear or doubt of losing this pregnancy.

  25. I am pleading with God our Father to help my husband find gainful employment and in the meantime to give a s strength to accept the cross we have been given to carry.

  26. I would appreciate your prayers for my son and daughter in law to return to the Catholic faith.

  27. Lord on this beautiful Good FRiday, please look into the problem that my son has in getting his wife pregnant. Lord I need a miracle.

  28. I pray for me loving and beautiful wife who has suffered most of her life from chronic illness, but still give everything to God and keeps our whole family on the straight and narrow path. I love her so much. Also, for my parents who are an inspiration and with whom I have been blessed to have in my life for over 50 years and counting. Thank you God.

  29. I thank God for the life of carolyn berghuis and other crew members who have been touching our life spiritually through the words of God. and also for our small community group: Global light for christ. I pray for God to provide a good home for my wife and i to leave in. and to protect my unborn child. And also protect our fellow brethren in our group (Global light for christ members). Amen

  30. A blessed Easter to you all. May each of you see the light of our Lord’s face as the sun rises to a new and glorious day.

  31. Happy Easter to all. May God continue to shower us all His blessings as each member of our global prayer community grow closer to Him. Please pray for my daughter that she will find a job and people to talk to everyday. This is her little happiness. Thank you everyone. Thank you Carolyn.

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