Friday, 3/10/17 – Encountering God in The Silence

Do you seek to encounter God and experience all the goodness he has for you? Do you long to experience the warmth of unconditional love and acceptance? Well, you can encounter God anytime because he is always present all around you. All you need to do is create a space for him to speak. Please read on.

Letting Go of Anger

Have you ever been angry with anyone who you failed to reconcile with, especially a family member? Have you ever looked at someone with judgement and condemnation in your heart? Have you believed that another person is being foolish with their lives? If you have held this belief, then have you had an opinion of how this other person should better live their life? I assume we have all experienced these patterns, after all, we are all human. We have all experienced anger and judgement in our hearts. In light of this presumption then today’s Gospel, if we allow it to sink into our hearts, seems to leave little room for a hope of salvation and a life of eternal bliss with God.

In our first reading we see further evidence of the effect and consequences of our life choices. When we act justly, and do what is right, God tells us through Ezekiel that we will live. Yes, acting justly and doing right guarantees that we will live. To live means we are in communion God and tasting of the goodness he has for us. Sign me up – I want to live!

However, one slip up and we are condemned to death? Yes, that is correct as well. At every given moment we are choosing life or we are choosing death. The choice is up to us. Sounds harsh – but true my friends. Now all those not-so-kind thoughts that run through my mind from time to time are causing some deep concern within me.

God the Judge

If we don’t experience forgiveness in our heart then Jesus tells us that our opponent will hand us over to the judge. The judge in turn, will then deliver us to the guard who will in turn throw us into prison. You use, God is our ultimate judge and he will have no choice but to deliver a verdict of guilty if we judge others and hold on to anger. God is a just God and he will follow the law he has set into motion. He must deliver a prison sentence.

Yet, there is hope! This is not a “fire and brimstone” reflection my friends. If you have ever read my reflections before you know that is not my style. There is a message of hope in today’s readings – specifically in today’s Psalm. “And he will redeem Israel from all their iniquities”. This is a promise he extends to us as well through his Son Jesus Christ. Yet, we must turn to God and ask for forgiveness. Turning to him allows us to encounter God. We must recognize that our sin is too heavy for us to transform on our own.

Opening Our Hearts to the Heart of God

We have a God who is merciful and loving, a God who wants a deep, passionate relationship with us. Remember what God said to Moses after he witnessed his children worshiping the golden calf.

So the Lord passed before him and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord, a God gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love and fidelity, continuing his love for a thousand generations, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin; yet not declaring the guilty guiltless, but bringing punishment for their parents’ wickedness on children and children’s children to the third and fourth generation! – Exodus 34:6-7

You see, God is all merciful and his love abounds in kindness. Yet, like any good judge he must carry out the law. So how can we move closer to God? How can we choose right thought and right actions? Well, we cannot do it on our own – we need God and we need his Son Jesus Christ.

Forgiving, loving, and accepting others as they are is essential if we are to experience the fullness of the life God has for us.This means forgiving, loving, and accepting those who cause us pain because they are also a child of God. If we accept that God loves and forgives us then we must accept that God extends this to all others as well. In order to do this we must turn to God for help and guidance.

Fasting of the Mind

Last week I wrote about Fasting of the Mind – a term I am using to represent an emptying of the mind and heart through various forms of meditations. As we empty our mind and heart we create a space for God to fill it up with his infinite love. Once we do this we will encounter our all loving and passionate God. Our loving and forgiving God continually seeks to draw us near to himself and to the Sacred Heart of his Son Jesus Christ. As we move closer towards God we will judge less, we will experience less anger, and we will begin to live more fully the life God intends for us. Our lives will become filled with more goodness, happiness and love.

During this Lenten Season I invite you to fast from painful mental thoughts and hurtful emotions. God will walk you through these sometimes frightening waters – all you need to do is reach out to him in prayer and meditation. Every time you practice meditation you are training your spiritual muscles. I recommend practicing your chosen form of Fasting of the Mind for 20 minutes every day, perhaps starting with 10 minutes and building up to 20 as your spiritual muscles grow strong.

Jesus’ River

Here is a meditation I use from time to time when I want to quite my mind and allow God a space to speak to me. I have found practicing Jesus’ River is particularly helpful to do after morning Mass and while in Eucharistic Adoration. The message the Holy Trinity gives me during this time often brings tears to my eyes.

Begin by placing yourself on a dock. Take some time to experience everything around you; the temperature, the color of the water, the sand, the birds, the trees, the sunset, the sunrise, and anything else you may see. Then look at the water and see it flowing to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Look at Jesus receiving all of this water into his Sacred Heart. Notice his face, his arms, and his love for you.

Now sit and be still on your dock with the intention that your mind become quite and free of thoughts. When a thought arises place it in a little boat in the water and allow it to flow into Jesus’ Sacred Heart. Do this with every thought that arises. In between the thoughts simply allow your heart to remain open to God – he will speak to you very gently and lovingly.

Forms of Fasting of the Mind

There are many ways to pray and meditate including the Rosary and many beautiful Chaplets and Novenas – I love being Catholic!!!! Below you will find other options I have found to be very helpful. I have found it particularly helpful to experience these meditations in Eucharistic Adoration after Mass.

The Nine Faces of Struggle

Sometimes we will become “stuck”, not knowing how to escape from pain and heartache. As human beings we walk around in a world filled with emotions that run counter to love. Over my years of practice I have identified what I call the “Nine Faces of Struggle”. These are common blocks I have witnessed that serve to separate individuals from the healing balm of love. Here is the link if you would like to learn more: The Nine Faces of Struggle

I hope you find your way home towards the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ – the one who is love himself. May you speak and think words of love, forgiveness and mercy as you sing and praise of God’s glory! – Carolyn

Sacred Heart of Jesus – have mercy on us.

Father God – consume us.

Holy Spirit – enter in to us.

Mother Mary – pray for us.

Today’s Readings Ezekiel 18:21-28, Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7A, 7BC-8; Verse before the Gospel – Ezekiel 18:31; Matthew 5:20-26

My Book

I have created a pdf version for those who seek to read my book, Understanding The Jesus Code, yet have found it is not available via Amazon in their country, or those who are financially unable to obtain a copy. If you are experiencing either issue please email me at so I can help.

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. thanks Carolyn, you have added on the guidelines given before, i pray to God for courage to experience forgiveness from the heart, accept people the way they are (though its tough coz if someone repeatedly does some thing….) so that i experience the fullness of life God has for me.
    i know God puts you in a situation when he knows that you can carry that cross, my prayer is that God makes a way.

  2. Thank you Carolyn. Your faith in our Lord encourages me. Thank you for the prayer resources. I have been looking for new ways to offer my time to our Lord during this Lent. God bless.

  3. Thnks Carol. Here is my method of fasting of the mind Sit quietly every day in my Conner gazing at the inner Landscape of my mind. Try it to develop ur spiritual muscles.

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