Friday, 2/1/19 Promises Made | Promises Kept

While human beings break their promises time and time again, God keeps his. And God’s promises are pretty amazing! Today’s Psalms are filled with some of his promises. In a nut shell, today’s Psalms reveal to us that those who love, trust, and follow the Lord all good awaits them. Our hearts will be satisfied, justice will be ours, we will be sustained, and we will experience perfect refuge in him during our trials. Our God, the One who created the heavens and earth is the real deal – he is the promise keeper. However, there is a key that unlocks all this goodness and we must use it to open the door into God’s promised land. But, where is the key?


“You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised.” Yes, indeed. We will need endurance to do God’s will, endurance is the key into God’s promised land. After all, the world continually presents challenges and opportunities that require our attention and we need endurance to move through these life experiences. Endurance to continually surrender it all to God is required.  

Every day we are presented with a smorgasbord of life events and opportunities. Some are good and pleasing to us, while others are, well, not so good. And let’s face it, sometimes the going gets tough – real tough. Our smorgasbord choices can appear pretty indigestible at times. Yet, within each challenge and opportunity lives the potential to do the will of God and enter into his promised land.

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is all around us – it is indeed at hand. Yet, we perceive the world we live in through our human senses and our human intellect. Given this, we have inherent limitations holding us back from experiencing the fullness of God’s Kingdom. Like a little fish living in the ocean cannot grasp the beauty found in nature beyond the ocean, we cannot grasp the full beauty of God’s creation. Fortunately for us, God has promised us a pathway into his Kingdom. We are invited to enter it through his Son – the only way into the Kingdom.  

In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks in parables in an attempt to help us better understand God’s Kingdom and the promises held within it. God’s Kingdom seems magical – and it is. Today’s parables each reveal a little seed that miraculously manifests into something beautiful. This manifestion is possible because inside the seed lives the divine spark of God. This little spark lives inside each and every one of us. Every time we are presented with a life challenge or opportunity we are afforded, with the help of endurance, an opportunity for our little spark to expand.

Using the Endurance Key

In life we will experience struggles – no doubt about that. No human being receives a “struggle free” card at conception. Scripture is pretty clear on the whole struggling thing, bad things are going to happen in this lifetime. Fortunately for us, God also offers us a way through our struggles. In order to find respite we must move through his Son. Jesus Christ is the only way into peace and happiness. He will teach us how to forgive and how to love more – the roads Christ takes us on while journeying into God’s Kingdom.

Endurance enables us to cling to Christ during our trials. Without endurance we will crumble and turn to the world for respite. When we surrender to the world we stay stuck on the roads of unforgiveness, fear, anger, and/or hate (the map goes on and on…). However, with endurance the divine spark within becomes illuminated. Hopefully our little spark expands into a full blown fire for the Lord! This expansion will soften our interior and help us become more pliable in God’s hands. Our little divine spark then nourishes the seed within and helps it transition into a beautiful manifestion awaiting the final harvest.

Surrendering to God

So this all sounds good. Who deep inside their interior doesn’t want all the promises of God? We all want our little spark to manifest into a full blown fire. Our little seed wants to become a beautiful tree. And we all want to experience the promises of God. After all, each and every person is created at the moment of their conception in the image of our all loving and benevolent God. Then, right after the moment of our conception we entered into the world and got hit with this crazy smorgasbord. So how do we navigate the smorgasbord and utilize our key of endurance?

Once of my favorite prayers to pray when facing a rather dim smorgasbord is the Suscipe Prayer by St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Inside this prayer lives the potential for our little spark to ignite and nourish the seed within. Why this little prayer you may ask? Because our full and complete surrender to God is required before we can fully enter into his Kingdom.

Suscipe Prayer

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,

my memory, my understanding,

and my entire will,

All I have and call my own.

You have given all to me.

To you, Lord, I return it.

Everything is yours; do with it what you will.

Give me only your love and your grace,

that is enough for me.

Releasing Fear

I understand it can be hard to prayer this prayer while holding in your heart a full “YES” to God. I’ve been there – fearful to let go and let God. Sometimes giving up full control of our life over to God seems pretty scary. So here is a little thing I do when I come up against any resistance to full surrender – I offer up my resistance to God. Yup, that’s right, I give God all of my resistance! Any resistance to giving God all my liberty, memory, understanding, and my entire will gets offered up to God.

I know this can sound a bit scary at first – it was for me. However, what happens to the parts we hold back from God? The parts we are afraid to let go of? They remain vulnerable to the world and its false promises. Everything we surrender to God is protected under his promises. In other words, everything we give to God is kept safe for all eternity. I believe that surrendering our resistance to God actually transforms our resistance into a little spark. Then the little divine seed within is ignited and it begins to manifest into a tree living in God’s Kingdom. Stick with it, practice endurance and continually offer everything up to God. Then watch your little seed grow into a perfect tree in God’s promised land.

If you would like to read more about this prayer I invite you to visit my website here: Suscipe Prayer.

Global Light for Christ (GLFC)

Our community, GLFC, is a group of sojourners supporting one another in the smorgasbord of life. If you are trying to more fully surrender all of your resistance to God then are perfect for GLFC. All of us have little sparks within that can nourish seeds for God’s Kingdom – the place where we will experience his eternal promises:-)  

I want to thank all of you who post here. When I sit with your petitions, often in the Adoration Chapel at my parish, my heart is deeply touched when I feel both your pain and the love we hold for each other. Even though we are separated by space and time we are together in love. What a blessing we have in our community.

God bless all of you. See you next week Friday – Carolyn  

If you would like to learn more about my work and my ministry I invite you to visit my website:

God the Father – hold us in your Fatherly love.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – heal us with your divine love.

God the Holy Spirit – immerse us in divine love.

Today’s Readings Hebrews 10:32-39; Psalm 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40; Alleluia Matthew 11:25; Gospel Mark 4:26-34

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Thank you for this reflection, all of your reflections. Very true that even our resistances, or our being afraid, can be given over to God. And I find that when I am in resistance, I can better pray for others who are in the same way.
    At the moment I have fear, which I am offering over to God, and using to pray with others who are in any way or for any reason, afraid. You might add me to your prayers, as I have an appointment at the eye clinic today, to investigate whether I have retinal detachment. Please God, not, and I can come home without have to travel miles for surgery. God bless you all.

  2. Thank God for bold people like you, pls help us pray for d unity among all believers around d world, hope ur ministry will expand especially here in mindanao phillipines.

  3. Beautiful reflection Carol. May we all pray for the Church during this period of crisis, that God may burn away all dross and impurities and may we grow stronger in the Faith.

  4. Thank you Carolyn. Beautiful reflection of encouragement to give us the endurance to get though the “smorgasbord”. Blessings

  5. Thank you for this reflection Carolyn. I am 42 years old and just found out yesterday that I am pregnant. I am ecstatic! My darling husband and I have a 4 year old boy and an 18 month old boy and 4 little ones in heaven. Yes, we were trying to get pregnant. I’m only a month along. I woke up over an hour ago wondering if I’m being selfish for wanting another baby at my age knowing that at my age the risk for Down syndrome rise. Am I selfish for wanting another baby knowing that my husband isn’t Catholic? My husband is very supportive of raising our children Catholic but naturally I worry that they will one day choose not to be Catholic. Their daddy isn’t and he says he will never convert. I’ve never asked him to. I know that’s in God’s hands. After reading today’s first reading though I realize that I just have to stay confident and strong and prayerful in the example I set for my husband and children. My heart is bursting with joy and love for this little one within my womb. Please pray for my children to always love and follow God our father, Jesus his beloved son and his church. Please pray for my husband’s conversion and please pray for my patience and endurance. God bless each of you and your loved ones. You’re in my prayers. -Felice

  6. Thank you for sharing your personal struggles towards a stronger relationship with God. I appreciate the advise. Your insight is a true blessing.
    I am giving to God my fear that I cannot make a “real” difference in this world for Him.
    Thank you again

  7. Carolyn, thank for your reflection. Please pray for my husband and I to give our resistance to God. Pray for wisdom, especially regarding abortion and Virginia presenting a bill to allow abortion up to the moment prior to birth… it also appears to allow for infanticide if the child is born with deformities. Please God, harden not our hearts, especially to the most defenseless of people.
    Felice, congratulations! You are blessed!

  8. God help me surrender all my fears to you. All my hopes and all my dreams as you know what to do with them. Amen

  9. As I sit here reading your reflections tears are streaming down my face. Yes endurance is the key to life, without endurance and continually giving up all of life’s struggles to God, life can be unbearable! It’s what keeps me alive! Thankyou for this reflection!

  10. The choir I used to belong to in college sang the song Take Lord, Receive by John Foley. I did not realize the song was based on the Suscipe Prayer you shared in your reflection, Carolyn. Thank you so much for rekindling a beautiful memory. Here is a version of the song. Beautiful words and music:


  11. Thanks for your beautiful reflection, Carolyn, God Bless!

    Prayers for those battling cancer: Mike, Larry, Bruce, John, Tom, Evelyn, and Dalenne. Prayers for the sick: Suzanne, Brad, Dahn, Gay, Dennis, Jordyn, Gene, Harriet, Frances, Tom, Jeannie, Theralyne, Darrin, Gerald, Jacki, Korbin, John and Kathy.

  12. My oldest daughter is 12 weeks pregnant, which is a miracle considering their fertility struggles. Her sister is getting married in Cabo in May and the older sister, matron of honor, feels in good conscience she cannot attend because of Zika virus threat. Her sister is very upset, angry, frustrated with her decisionThey are so close and so upset about this. Please pray that God helps them resolve this. God bless, thank you for your prayers.

  13. Prayer for Carolyn and family. Thank you Carolyn for this nice reflection. In your prayer remember me to ask God to give me endurance. Please, pray for my two daughters for God to put their way two Godly men in their life because I cannot choose for them and also my husband conversion to God. Thank you and may God blesses you.

  14. I so agree Carolyn, endurance is the key to entering the Kingdom. I have been practicing it for many, many years (and yes, my many, many years of trials is but a blink in God’s eye), I am still waiting and hoping for God to intervene. I have prayed the Suscipe Prayer many years ago, along with Our Lady Undoer of Knots more recently. I kept asking what must I do to make things right, but the last thing that happened to me was so humiliating, I chose to stop attending Mass. It has been six months now since I left and I have no desire to return. But I cling to my faith in God; I read the scripture of the day, these reflections, and sometimes watch the television Mass. I used to pray for those who were the cause of my humiliation, asking God to bless them, to forgive them because it became more and more difficult for me to do it. I no longer pray prescribed prayers. My daily prayer now is ‘Your Will be done” whatever that is.

    Keep me in your prayers Carolyn. Thank you.

    God bless

  15. Dear Carolyn, thanks again for a wonderful reflection reading. Your word have sparked much comfort. Please pray with me for my daughter. She is struggling with fear, she is in a toxic job environment and is relyctant to leave because it pays so well and because she has no other offers. It tears me up to hear her frustration She started the job with so many hopes and great ideas and solutions. Please pray for me too that I am a strength for her and not a crutch with too much advice. Thank you

  16. An addendum to my earlier prayer: the Virginia abortion bill did NOT include infanticide – that was an added thought by their governor . God bless you all!

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