Friday, November 9, 2018 – Christ’s Temple | One Body in Christ

A few months ago I was working with a client who was going through a major life challenge. She and her husband were facing some deep seated patterns that led them away from love and into anger, depression, and anxiety. They were facing the real possibility of divorce and she was brokenhearted. I remember sharing with her that Christ dwells within the human person, and given this, he is always present, living inside of her. She pondered what I said for a few moments, then casting her eyes to the ground she said “That’s a scary thought.”

At the root of her comment was a belief that God was “out there”, in some far off place casting judgement and punishment to the evil doers of the world – herself included. She had sinned and she believed she was unforgivable. She couldn’t forgive herself or allow God’s forgiveness to enter into her heart. Without forgiveness she not only felt unloved by God, she couldn’t see that he dwells within her. During this painful time in her life, when she deeply needed God’s comfort, she felt isolated and alone. Instead of reaching inward to him, she fell deeper into her depression and shame. Maybe you or a loved one can relate?

The Cross Changed Everything

With Jesus Christ everything changed. No longer is God’s temple “out there”, at some physical location where “money-changers” can pollute the space. Jesus claimed authority over that when he tore down that worldly temple. All worldly temples were destroyed when Jesus died on the cross and rose again. A new and everlasting temple was established, a temple that dwells within the human person.

Jesus Christ, the new temple, rose on the third day – just like he said he would. We also rise with him because we are part of his body. As Paul says in today’s second reading “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” God now lives in us and we live in God, there is no separation. Yet, we can choose to deny the truth of God’s indwelling and thus limit our fruitfulness.

We are invited to become like the fruitful temple Ezekiel saw in his vision, with flowing waters that give life. Our temple was created to produce fruit and life for the world. However, before we can become a temple full of life giving waters we must surrender in humility to our Triune God. Humility opens a door in our interior that invites God’s grace in. Then, like Paul who proclaimed that every spiritual gift he had was a result of God’s grace, we can open to the goodness God has for us.

Forgiveness and Our Thoughts

I believe that forgiveness of self and others is the key into right prayer with God. As Jesus tells us, we are to settle our disputes with one another before we go to the judge. (Matthew 5:25) Yet, let’s face it, all too often we allow unforgiving thoughts to run wild in our minds. I understand that forgiveness can be hard, I struggle with that one too. Many times my prayer has been “God help me to forgive like you desire.” Then as I move into forgiveness and find myself moving into deeper prayer and communion with God. When we step into forgiveness our temple opens in greater measure to God’s love and life giving waters. Growing in forgiveness certainly has its rewards.

So, how can we forgive and become a temple flowing with life giving waters? Specifically, how can we forgive those hard to forgive people in our lives? Well, first, I like to look at the individuals who have hurt me and know that Christ dwells within them. Yet, they have experienced their share of wounds in the world that have caused them pain. Out of this pain they have hurt me – only hurt people hurt others. Like myself, they have suffered wounds that made them forget how precious and holy their temple is. I am sure when they were a newborn baby they just wanted to love and be loved in return. Their wounds caused them to experience a false separation from God, which in turn lead them lose touch with the indwelling God shares with them.

Humility and Forgiveness

Then an examination of our thoughts is helpful. Are we full of “murderous” thoughts like Saul? Or are we full of truth filled thoughts like Paul? Are our thoughts congruent with life giving waters? Or are they more akin to a murky swamp? Perhaps somewhere in between? Jesus revealed the pathway into loving thoughts when he was on the cross – “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Forgiveness is our key to freedom and our temple yearns for it. Humility allows us to surrender to forgiveness, humility like Jesus revealed on the cross. If you would like to learn more about forgiveness I invite you to visit my website here: The Forth Face of Struggle: Forgiveness

Global Light For Christ (GLFC)

If you are struggling with unforgiveness (or anything else) I invite you to share your petition below. Our community, GLFC, is a group of sojourners supporting one another through prayer and love.

I want to thank all of you who post here. When I sit with your petitions, often in the Adoration Chapel at my parish, my heart is deeply touched when I feel both your pain and the love we hold for each other. Even though we are separated by space and time we are together in the living waters of God.

God bless all of you. See you next week Friday – Carolyn

If you would like to learn more about my work and my ministry I invite you to visit my website:

God the Father – hold us in your Fatherly love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus – heal us with your divine love.

God the Holy Spirit – immerse us in divine love.

Today’s Readings Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12, Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Second Reading 1 Corinthians 3:9C-11, 16-17, Alleluia 2 Chronicles 7:16, , Gospel John 2:13-22

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Pray to God to help my heart and give me peace and joy. I’m so depressed and almost suicidal. I pray for other people in my condition.

  2. Thank you, Carolyn.
    My prayers are for Debs, Ethel and all those who suffer from this awful condition. May God’s love comfort you and bring you peace of mind.

  3. Debs, We’re all praying for you, as well as for Ethel, Ashleigh, and all those who are depressed and in pain. Please call the suicide prevention phone number.
    Please pray for my husband that he want
    to and learn how to forgive all those people and incidents that resulted in hurt. Help him to forgive God and open himself to God’s love, not people’s bad choices.
    I pray for all of you and your intentions.
    Thank you Carolyn for your great words.

  4. I ask God to bring peace to our hearts. To open the eyes of our hearts so we can see the truth/him. Amen

  5. Thank you, Carolyn. When we carry around anger and unforgiveness, we are the ones that sufffer. Forgiveness frees us of that anger and pain. Forgiving oneself seems to be much harder for some reason.
    My prayers are with Debs, Ethel, Ashley and all others who suffer from depression.
    I ask for prayers for my father who is suffering from a-fib. He’s 86 years old and has had a stroke and 4 heart attacks. He’s not responding to the treatments given so far. I pray for healing and that he may be given the gift of faith. He’s agnostic.
    Thank you, all.

  6. Dear Debs, Ethal, and all who suffer from depression,

    First I want to reiterate Laura’s words – “Debs- we hear your call for help and support. There are resources available 24/7. Please contact 1-800-273-8255 or visit We are praying for you and all who suffer so greatly with depression.”

    As many of you know I too battle depression from time to time – it is a very heavy place to be. I understand the pain. Please take advantage of the resources available to you. We are all beloved children of God and when the wave of depression covers us it seems we loose the ability to feel his fatherly love. I am praying that all of us in GLFC who suffer from depression break through this under God’s loving care so that we can thrive and live fully. I do find that the pain hidden behind my depression, once each piece is addressed and healed, leads me into a deeper love for God and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

    I am at Saint Meinrad this weekend for my classes and I will offer special prayers for our group.

    Love you all of you my brothers and sisters in Christ – Carolyn

  7. I felt you were talking directly to me this morning. I had an incident at work yesterday and need to face one of my coworkers this morning and am finding it very difficult to find forgiveness. Thank You for this reflection, words and forgiveness are powerful. Pray I find the strength to handle the situation with humility.

  8. Thanks Carolyn, pray for me and my family. I watch my family disintegrate before my eyes and feel helpless in fixing it. Pray my Son, Daughter and Wife can heal their relationship as mother and off spring. Pray my wife and I can reconcile. I pray every morning to be the guy I’m supposed to be in the moment of every situation. Sometimes, I get really discouraged so yeah your prayers would be appreciated. Have an awesome weekend.
    Thanks, Tony –

  9. Debs – I am holding you up in prayer today, along with anyone who may be feeling far away from the love of Jesus. Be open to God’s healing touch and the ocean of mercy poured out for us by Jesus. You are loved.

  10. I pray for everyone here that is asking for prayers. That we may all find God’s presence in a place not seen before. That we may all feel God’s Love. Carolyn, great reflection. I love this “Lord help me to forgive as you desire.” Thank you!
    I ask for prayers for my friend and her family. Especially her husband, who has just been diagnosed with cancer. I pray they find the peace they need to deal with all the anger and frustration that comes with hardship. I pray they find clarity through Jesus.

  11. I too pray for those with depression. May the Holy Spirit turn them to a better
    Place in their minds. Carolyn I ask for your prayers. I am someone who hurt another in the heat of the moment. I am written lengthy letters of apology. She and my son live
    Across the US from me. I have sent gifts which have been unacknowledged many times.
    It has driven a wedge between my son and I and the whole situation is Breaking my Heart. She will not send pictures of my granddaughter who is 10. I grieve for this whole mess. I have prayed for 3 yrs for forgiveness. Only God can help and your prayers. Thank you and Bless the good that you do.

  12. More than 11 years ago when I was working for my church, my parish priest/boss was constantly needling me. I shared this with my mentor who held the same position as myself at a different church. Very wisely she counselled me to forgive him. I said I did, everyday because I recalled Jesus said forgive 70×7. A nun I shared my frustration with, I told her I pray father forgive him for he knows not what he does. She said, he knows exactly what he is doing. His behaviour is tantamount to abuse. I made the mistake of confiding in the bishop at that time, and from then on my life became a series of humiliation when the Parish priest confided in the deacon, and the deacon confided in certain parishioners. Finally, I just stopped going to church. Two days ago I was waiting for the city train when I saw a colleague/parishioner. I turned my back pretending I didn’t see him. But he came up to me and started chatting as though nothing had happened. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but decided against it, instead I just listened to him, asked about his wife and daughter. We got on the train and I thought since the train was quite full, we would sit separately- but I guess God had other ideas, the person sitting next to me got up and gave him her seat. In the course of his chat, he told me he was on his way to a downtown church for daily mass. He is the second parishioner who now goes to this downtown church. Both of them, like me love(d) our parish. I decided not to ask him why? I realized I had forgiven him when I no longer felt animosity toward him. I met my sister for her birthday lunch, and lovely conversation,

    Please pray for me, Edmund, Paul, Addie, Mabel, Len, Tom, Kevin, Reg Pat and a few other parishioners who have contributed to my humiliation. Thank you

  13. Thank you Jesus for Carolyn!!
    Please pray for my husband who is filled with hurt and anger and has his “own” relationship with God.
    Pray that my husband will be blessed with a job soon, pray for my co-workers for peace within our office.
    Thank you and my God continue blessing you.

  14. Carolyn please pray for me and my 2 children who to allow forgiveness flow in our hearts and allow God to guide them in the right path. Help me pray for reconciliation in my family. Bless your heart for sharing your wisdom.

  15. Please pray for my son who has a job interview on the 21st. He has done his very best during the entire training and may God bless his efforts. Also please pray that God finds a way to bring back my two sons to his fold, and for my husband who has alienated himself from the whole family.

  16. Chris,
    I just read your comments about the parishioner of your old church and how he visited with you. I recall you mentioned seeing other parishioners somewhere who waved to you. I may be misreading things but it appears they’ve moved on and are not thinking of the situation that causes you so much pain. You did nothing wrong. Is it possible these people miss you and are not thinking of the past and would welcome worshiping with you again? Just food for thought. I pray for you and for those that hurt you.

  17. Thank you Sandi. The young women I met at a church in a different province was about 7/8 years ago; they would not have known about the problems I had to deal with as they attended a different church. They merely recognized me because from time to time, people from other parishes would attend Mass at my parish. The colleague/parishioner I met a few days ago is another matter, and no, he would not have moved on … he was involved in a more recent incident which took place about two months ago. I wouldn’t trust him if my life depended on it. I realized, I’ve moved on when I got off the train and I did not feel like smacking him! In fact, I never gave any thought to his part in the incident, until I read Carolyn’s reflection. Without going into detail, I had put behind me what happened to me while I worked for my church. What happened to me in the last 4 years (after I quit my job) and continued till I just stopped going to church two months ago is still very fresh in my memory. The colleague/parishioner may have been trying to make amends without raising the issues(s) which is why I decided to just let him chatter on. He is well past 80, has been a parishioner at our church longer than me, has had his own issues to deal with (most of which he caused). He mentioned that he was on his way to a downtown church for weekday Mass which I found interesting, because he lives much further away. He would never do that unless something happened at our parish. But as I mentioned, I decided not ask him why? I felt it would have just brought up all kinds of anger and frustration and I was on my way to meet my sister for her birthday lunch. As I said, by the time I got off the train, I did not give any more thought to the encounter and was able to have a lovely lunch/conversation with my sister. I think by removing myself from an unhealthy environment (sadly it was my parish), I am beginning to heal. One day, I will return, but the time is not at the moment. Please keep me in your prayers, I can’t help feeling God needed me to stay away till He could prick someone’s conscience. But perhaps, that’s just wishful thinking on my part. Thank you for your prayers and concerns Sand.

  18. Please pray for my daughter to want to go to school and go to school, to have a good school, good friends, teachers, schoolmates, principal, and assistant principal. Also, please pray for her to heal from the absence of her father and to know and accept God as her Heavenly Father. Please pray for her to be obedient and respectful.
    Please pray for us to get safe heating, electricity, and water for our home so we can move back home. Please pray for our health.
    Adore Jesus!!!

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