Friday, 1/13/17 – Faith in Jesus


Scripture this week reveals to us the power faith holds, and the blessings we receive, once we believe and trust in God. Scripture is rich this week with stories of Jesus healing the wounded, casting out demons and saving the lost. Jesus did this as he went about preaching the Word of God to the people. The crowds followed Jesus everywhere – crowds of people seeking healing and happiness. Crowds of people who placed all their faith in Jesus Christ. They hung on his every word and they took the steps necessary to be near him.

He answered, “Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” – Mark 1:38 (NRSVCE)

Faith Today

And we know that is was through their faith that Jesus was able to work his miracles. The faith of the paralytic, and his companions, allowed for the healing they sought. Sadly, many during the time of Jesus did not have faith in him, and as a result they did not enter into the rest God offers. It seems that lack of faith hasn’t changed today. Looking around the modern world we still witness people seeking healing that Jesus Christ offers – real, true eternal healing and rest. However, many are like the ancestors Paul talked about in today’s first reading. They do not receive healing because, even though they have received the Good News, they do not believe in its message.

My Recent Vacation

I just returned from Florida on Wednesday – a trip I took with my husband. It was a great trip and we enjoyed spending time together with our friends. However, my heart was saddened on several occasions. You see, I ran across several individuals who lacked faith during my trip. I met an Atheist, I met a man who claimed to be “spiritual but not religious”, and I met a man who practiced Daoism.

None of the men held an internal happiness. The Atheist, in particular, was a very unhappy man who I would describe as angry and bitter. My heart hurt when he referred to the stories of the Bible as “fairy tales”. The “spiritual but not religious” man was discontent with his life and the man who practiced Daoism had clearly not found happiness or rest. Sadly, they were all set in their beliefs and they would have no part of following Jesus.

What Went Wrong?

So what went wrong? They had all heard the Good News at one point in their life, yet, they have rejected it. As a result they are living outside the space where Jesus works miracles. And in the case of the Atheist, his outright disbelief held him captive in a world that lacked light. I guess I will never know what happened to these men; however, Jesus does know and he still loves them. Jesus still wants to work his miracles for them so that they can have rest, but he needs their faith in order to do so.

You see, God created these men just like he created us – to love and be loved in return. Maybe somewhere in their lives God was presented as an angry controlling God. Maybe they blame God for their heartache and pain. Maybe they believe that Catholicism and Christianity doesn’t offer the mysticism and beauty they have found elsewhere. Maybe they have been judges harshly by Christians. What saddened me the most was that they had all turned away from the source of all love, all light and all peace.

Next Time

These encounters have called me to spend more time understanding how to share the love of Christ with individuals like these men. The world is full of people who, like the ancestors Paul speaks of, do not profit from God’s word. Yet, I believe if those who lack faith come to know God, really know him, they will turn towards him. God has placed inside our hearts a space that only he can fill. It’s up to individuals like you and I to share Jesus with those who have fallen away. We must share him with love in our hearts and not with judgement. It is love that people need and Jesus Christ is the source of all love.

Everyone Belongs

God will direct our steps, he knows us and he knows how to use us for his kingdom. Remember, on the seventh day God rested as he proclaimed everything was “very good”. We are invited into God’s rest as well; however, before we can have such rest we must love as God loves. We must love all of his creation – even the Atheist, the Daoist and those claiming to be spiritual but not religious. God will call you to share his love with your family, with friends, and with strangers. As you fall deeper and deeper in love with scripture God will speak to your heart through his word. He will reveal to you truths that you will carry in your heart everywhere you go for the world to see. As your heart fills with love and God’s word you will become an instrument of peace and love for the world – a lamp on a lampstand for all to see.

 Let all that you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14 (NRSVCE)

Exclusion and Family Heartache

If you would like to read more I invite you to visit my blog post titled “Exclusion and Family Heartache”. In it I share how the pain of exclusion affects families and blocks love. Here is the link: Exclusion and Family Love

I hope you find your way home towards the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ – the one who is love himself. May you speak and think words of love, forgiveness and mercy as you sing and praise of God’s glory! – Carolyn

Sacred Heart of Jesus – have mercy on us.

Mother Mary – pray for us.

Saint Paul – pray for us


Today’s Readings Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; Psalm 78: 3 and 4BC, 6C-7, 8; Mark 2:1-12

My Book

I have created a pdf version for those who seek to read my book, Understanding The Jesus Code, yet have found it is not available via Amazon in their country, or those who are financially unable to obtain a copy. If you are experiencing either issue please email us so we can help.

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

Author Archive Page


  1. Hi Carol, you are indeed an instrument of God to proclaim the good new and to inspire people to walk in faith.
    I’m so inspired and touched and moved with your reflections an sharing for today’s gospel.

    I’m also one with you in spreading the good news thru our community Couples for Christ here in Cagayan De Oro City , Mindanao, Philippines.

    May our Almighty God continue to bless both of you with your daily activities in spreading the good news.

    I pray that you will touch more lives that they will follow Jesus .

    God bless to both of you and your family,

    Paco avellana

  2. Thanks Carolyn. Yours reflection is inspiring. I am encouraged by the ways you Evangelize, so open to all without condemning.

    God grant you more grace to keep doing this work.

  3. Thanks, Carolyn! I really enjoyed reading this reflection. I have friends who haven’t opened their “gift of faith” yet. I pray for them regularly and try to be one of God’s ambassador for them. May God give us the wisdom we need and help us to exetend His Kingdon on earth. God blesd!

  4. Thank you Carolyn. Through you reflection, the Lord has answered my prayers, as though he was telling me to trust in Him. I have been impatient with the conversion of my spouse, and he is slowly making his own way to Christ. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  5. Thank you for this words of inspiration for this one you are blessed, May God endow you with His wisdom to reach those who have not believe Jesus Christ the Lover of all.

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