Friday, 1/20/17 – A New Covenant of Love

Paul reminds us today of the words of Jeremiah – “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.” (NRSVCE) In this new covenant God will no longer remember the sins of the people and he will forgive their evil doing. What a beautiful promise – a promise that is steadfast and true my friends. Yes, God has made a new covenant and we are the beneficiaries.

In this new world kindness and truth will meet, justice and peace will kiss and love will flourish. This beauty will permeate every aspect of the world because all will know that God is the one true God – the God who is Love. Out of this love God sent his son Jesus Christ to reconcile the world with himself. Yes, he does love us that much – all of us. Jesus Christ is the one who carries God’s divine message of love. And he is also the one who through whom all of mankind will pass through on their way to the Father.

Jesus’ Love

Jesus set our reconciliation into motion with the Apostles who he himself appointed to facilitate the expansion of love into our world. These men were deeply blessed to be offered the ability to facilitate such love and healing in the world. We too are invited into this blessing. As we love others we participate in the gift these men received from Jesus.

Sadly, Judas Iscariot, in his human weakness, betrayed our Lord. Instead of choosing love he chose sin and death. A choice that left an imprint on his soul for all eternity. We too chose sin and death instead of love and our souls feel the weight of such decisions. We judge others, we hate and we exclude others whom God has also created in his image – others who God loves as well.

The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that one by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that one not to have been born.” – Matthew 26:24 (NRSVCE)

New Beginnings For America

Today is a big day for the United States of America. Our 45th president will be sworn in at noon (EST) and our nation will embark in a new era. Unfortunately, there has been much division in our country over this election, division that limits and blocks love. A nation divided cannot stand because the love that God promised us, and that Jesus came to reveal, cannot flow when we look at the other with contempt, hate and unacceptance. This is the case regardless of your personal political views. God is a God of inclusion, it is evil that divides.

In the end I believe division is born of fear, and fear is not of Christ. When we allow our hearts to be led by love then Christ will guide the steps the world needs for healing and transformation. Yet, we must chose him and we must chose love.

And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. – Mark 3:25 (NRSVCE)

Jesus Christ is love incarnate, he is compassion and he understanding. It is my prayer that all across the world we come together in prayer for all leaders of the world – political and religious. I pray that we will serve one another with love in our hearts. We must follow the commandments of Jesus if we are to receive the fullness of the covenant God offers us.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-32 (NRSVCE)

In order to do this we must enter into our relationships with others with love and forgiveness. I know it’s hard sometimes, especially when others look, think and behave differently then we do. However, love indeed wins every time my friends. Sometimes it’s hard to be a Christian – the faith of love. Regardless of your political position, we are all children of God and we have been given the greatest gift of all in the one who is love incarnate – Jesus Christ.

A Challenge to Love More

If you would like to love more then I believe forgiveness is the key. Forgiveness heals the place in the heart where judgement, hate and anger once lived. Such healing paves the way for love to enter in and heal as only love can. I invite you to visit my blog post titled “What Forgiveness Is (and what it is not)”. Here is the link: Forgiveness

I hope you find your way home towards the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ – the one who is love himself. May you speak and think words of love, forgiveness and mercy as you sing and praise of God’s glory! – Carolyn

Sacred Heart of Jesus – have mercy on us.

Mother Mary – pray for us.

Saint Paul – pray for us

Saint Fabian pray for us


Today’s Readings Hebrews 8:6-13; Psalm 78: 3 and 4BC, 6C-7, 8; Mark 2:1-12

My Book

I have created a pdf version for those who seek to read my book, Understanding The Jesus Code, yet have found it is not available via Amazon in their country, or those who are financially unable to obtain a copy. If you are experiencing either issue please email us so we can help.

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

Author Archive Page


  1. Thanks Carol, yes! It’s awesome that God can trust fallible men to collaborate in continuing the work of redemption. Christ has extended same to us.

    My best wishes to America as she takes new path of leadership in Trump.

  2. Thanks for the beautiful reflection. This is my first time reading your reflection and I pray that God continues to reveal the deep insights in His word to us through you. Godspeed.

  3. Hey Carolyn,

    You brought up the wonderful topic of Judas in your reflection of today’s readings.

    A simple question, did Judas ask for forgiveness?


  4. Let us say a pray for peace today for the inauguration. May hearts and minds set hate and anger aside. Let us pray for peace. Judge not… Love your neighbor.. Do unto others… Let us all live the Word.

  5. Thanks Carol for the wonderful inspiration. Indeed a house that is divided can not stand. It is that love, mercy and forgiveness that we need daily. Join us in praying for our beloved country Kenya that God’s love may reign.

  6. Thanks Carol for the wonderful inspiration. Indeed a house that is divided can not stand. It is that love, mercy and forgiveness that we need daily. Join us in praying for our beloved country Kenya that God’s love may reign.

  7. May kindness and truth meet in our hearts today, especially in the hearts of our political and religious leaders. God bless America and the whole world.

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