He has done all things well,’ they said ‘he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.’
No, we are not talking about social media websites!
Our Saints that we celebrate today, Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, were brothers. They were missionaries to the Slavic and Moravian people. They translated scripture into local languages.
Communication with our fellow humans is a good thing. Social Media is a good thing. Nonetheless, I hope you don’t believe everything you read there. Obviously, we don’t all agree to what is said, but the fact that we still are talking is a good thing. Heard a commentary on the radio about a book dedicated to gossip. There is gossip based on lies which is bad and gossip that is based on truth and that seems good. Words have such power and even truthful words that contain half-truths can be troubling. Look at the Devil talking to Eve about the Tree of Life. The words of God are absolutely true. The words of the Devil are lies. The words of others must be taken in conjunction in what a person does. Jesus said you will know them by what they do.
Unfortunately, that is something that is not so simple. So, if you are looking for truth don’t go to social media, go to scripture. I had a High School friend die on Monday of this week. Lana and Paul had watched the Super Bowl on Sunday and went to bed at 11:30pm. Lana checked his blood sugar, and he seemed okay but the next morning he had died. I am so glad she called me personally because it was a shock. One more soul to pray for.
When Paul and I worked on a High School Class reunion we eulogize a number of people, and one was a guy named Doug. The was a Doug with the same surname that died in Viet Nam, but we found out years later that it wasn’t him. I am happy to say Doug and I are friends on Social Media and he is very much alive playing golf today. Facts! I remember the quote of Mark Twain about rumors of his death being greatly exaggerated.
Before we speak, we need to listen more. We need to listen to believable sources of information and not rumor. I have a friend in Tulsa, and he was a research librarian. He never speaks without researching information. It is like calling our “Fire!” in a crowded theater. We need to listen more and speak only when we have the facts. Just like scripture, our words are powerful. The Devil is a deceiver and will use half-truths and lies to lead us astra. Scripture will never tell us to sin. Scripture is truth.
Remember, God is always in charge. We need to go to Him for the truth.
God Love You Always
Bob Burford
PS: Please Pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers. Pray for the conversion of Russia and the salvation of the Ukrainian and Russian people and their soldiers. Pray for the Holy Land. Pray for peace!