The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter.
He spread the report abroad
so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly.
This is what we call social media and influencer culture in Gen Z language!!
Taking videos of doing so called acts of kindness and showing how someone helped a poor person or a person in need making it seem so great – but do we ever wonder why was someone recording in the first place ?
We have begun to publicize normal human behavior and basic human instinct ! seek money for such attributes and even ask for following for the same. An odd situation to have around us now!
While Jesus certainly didn’t need the popularity or the likes or followers , He just wanted the lepers to be made clean and glimpses of Him being a son of God sent to the temple pharisees so they could anticipate the Gospel coming true. We need to learn to hush our good deeds as a part of our daily life!
As a kid I have grown up seeing my mother, father, grandmother giving food , money , clothes and alot of love and emotional support to anyone in need. I have never seen my mother turn away someone in need known or not! While I am a bit of a miser in such issues as I tend to have minimal wages as a surgical resident – I do know that donating money or time can be very helpful to someone in need and above all we do not need to publicise the fact either!
Today let our right arm do something good and let us not let the left arm know! let us be full of the spirit helping everyone in need .. in hush hush! just like Jesus….