Friday, June 30th in Ordinary Time

My big toe has caused me a great amount of discomfort lately. So, at my wife’s urging, I went to a podiatrist who gave me some foot pads and an injection in the toe. Surprise! My foot is 80% better. Still, it is not cured but I am very happy that I listened and went to the Doctor.

There are two major lessons to learn from our readings in today’s Gospel. First, we have to have the faith to ask for a cure and the confidence to accept the results. Second, we have to listen to the doctor and take our medicine. In our real life with Christ, we have to ask Him first. Second, we have to listen to Him and do what He says.

In my case I suffered for months before going to the doctor. As an older person it seems that most of my life is spent with doctor visits. My imagination got the better of me. I imagined major surgery with long recovery. I am too stressed for time to put up with a long recovery. So I just put up with the discomfort. I didn’t dream the cure was so simple for me. I also followed the doctor’s order.

Now there is a possibility that the “cure” for my foot is not permanent. I may have to go back to the doctor who helped me to see if there is something else to be done. The leper in our Gospel was cured completely. He was “All In” when it came to Jesus curing his leprosy.

Just like the leper we have to be “All In” with a cure for our souls. We also must have a relationship with our Savior to make the cure work. A hundred years from now my ultimate cure is in Heaven, but for the present I have to accept the fact that there may not be a permanent cure and I will have to live with a partial recovery as part of God’s plan for my salvation.

My wife, Anna, shared the perfect scripture to compliment our readings today, 1Peter 5:7 Cast all your worries upon Him because He cares for you. Just like He cared for the leper.

God Love You Always

Bob Burford

PS: Please pray for cancer victims and their caregivers. Please pray for the salvation and physical and emotional health of the Ukrainian people and their soldiers. Pray for the Conversion of Russian and the salvation and emotional health of their people and soldiers. Pray for peace.

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Thank you very much for sharing the great message, especially that our ultimate cure is in heaven. Thanks a lot.

  2. Good advice, Bob. And thank you for reminding us to pray for the conversion of Russia.

  3. Thank you Bob. You have such a gift for being so clear and straight to the point. I pray your toe feels better. The big toe is the leader of the pack on the foot. Glad you got it looked at as it may throw off your gait! I needed to hear the verse from 1 Peter.

  4. Thank you Bob. We appreciate your real-life connections that show faith, hope and love of the Lord bring goodness to those that trust Him.
    Peace with you my brother.

  5. Thank you Bob for your wise words. When I started praying for people I know with cancer, I was surprised at how many there are. That beautiful verse from 1 Peter, though I am not sick today, I worry so much that it makes me become anxious. Our weather report tells me to stay inside as the air quality is unhealthy. I need to give all my cares to Jesus.

  6. Thanks Bob! As always you give me a message of hope! Have a wonderful weekend everyone as we pray the rosary for peace.

  7. Great to have you back with your Friday reflections Bob!

    Let us all trust in God and please pray for those of us with cancer. Ask God to cure us as he did the leper in today’s gospel.

    A good weekend to all.

  8. Thank you Bob! Thank Anna for reminding us of that beautiful verse of giving all our worries to Jesus.

  9. Thank you, Bob. You are ALWAYS an inspiration to me on so many levels. I’ll be praying for the health of you foot.

  10. Just went in yesterday for the first of a several part cancer treatment. I would appreciate it if this group would pray for me as well as others. I have been coming to ACM for years, it’s the first thing I do in the morning like many of you. I also know there are many prayer warriors out there across the globe. Have a great Fourth of July with you family and friends

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