While this Maundy Thursday is not a regular one, I will be driving my dad for his 9th Chemotherapy session to hospital, I am glad I am able to spend and share my time with him and help through some tough time!
Todays gospel and readings are so full of teachings that as a child I grew up to listen to them every year and understand them even better. Growing up in a country where respecting ones elders is a massive sign of ones upbringing — never questioning authority, always touching the feet of the teacher or senior for blessings, bending forth for blessings, accepting what was told without any issues —- I had a constant problem! I always would have an opinion which often differed.
While at home I was told almost daily “dont back answer your parents “, teachers in schools and colleges never liked me for asking doubts and questions! Over the years, I grew shy and stopped, I was ashamed of asking and assumed I rather not! Same with my faith, I never questioned why my need for penance in Lent was going to help me and I always had questions about my faith when I was more lost and confused especially when I had to defend it to non believers!This Lent I asked God those doubts, everyday, doubts about me and every aspect of my faith and life, gave them all up to Him. I reduced myself unto a child and rekindled my need to ask why!
Today, I wondered why did Jesus have to wash the feet of His disciples and explain about humility, and we do it as an annual enactment with the Parish Priest washing feet of some disciples or even the Pope! Why do we have to literally wash the feet? This lent I want to be humble by spending my time with someone who needs to talk — maybe a patient , maybe a neighbor or a stranger I meet! This lent I want to humble myself to serve the others who I know wont be able to return the help, just as I watch my parents do it everyday to strangers and friends!
Washing feet is symbolic and in Indian culture, some people, wash the feet of the Holy ones and drink it as a sign of respect. Today As a believer of Jesus, we dont have to go and donate money to a charity or post pictures of doing a good deed. Maybe a warm smile to your co worker or cheer up your neighbor who seems down, a help to a passer by who is lost, the lady who cut you in the line (sigh !) — its time to find Jesus in our daily life, in small things , washing the grudges away and letting mistakes happen!
I believe the best way to live through a lent is not skipping meat or coffee( I did and shed so much weight ) but to live a life as an example of Christ of humility and respect in silence and surrender in our sufferings!
Have a blessed holy week and Christ filled Easter!
Thank you Jesus for showing us how we need to be humble, help me to try and imbibe it in my daily routine just like my prayers and be an example of your faith to everyone!