Saturday, June 22, 2019 – Seek Ye First

Elise and I used to live in upstate central Pennsylvania in a rural farming area after we graduated from veterinary school. It was the epitome of small town life. We got to know most people in the area through our work, church and activities we got involved in. When we were moving into our first place, one of the neighbors came out to help and asked us if we square danced. She invited us to try out the local club that her parents were involved in and 30 some years later that neighbor is still one of our best friends and when we go back to visit the area, we dance with the same club and group of people. We moved out of the area to go back to Chicago to be near Elise’s family, raise our children and start a veterinary practice. Leaving there was a really hard decision. We struggled with it for several months. But it worked out. We raised two great kids, got closer to Elise’s family, and had a successful business.

But when we go back to visit Pennsylvania we often wonder how our lives would have been different had we stayed. Would we have been more relaxed, developed family ties to our friends there, would the kids have had the same or maybe even better opportunities? Regret creeps in.

Then we look to the amazing friendships we have here in the Chicago area where we have lived since leaving Pennsylvania. And the closeness we found in living near Elise’s relatives. Our kids getting to know their family and family getting to know them. Bob Burford recently had a reflection where he discussed leaving his long time home in Kentucky and moving to Oklahoma and the difficulties a move like that brings as you try to plant new roots.

Elise and I are now retiring from veterinary practice and considering what we should do. One consideration is moving back to Pennsylvania. Would things be the same? Would our old friends still be there and be receptive? What about healthcare in a rural area? We have actually been agonizing….OK, I have been agonizing…over this for a few years now. I thought leaving Pennsylvania was hard! Deciding if we should go back has been monumental.

I think my focus needs to be on Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel. Does worry add even a moment to our lives. Do we really need to care about the things of this world? About whether we will have clothes or food or money…..or where to live. God cares for the least of the creatures such as the birds in the air and the flowers of the fields. Where do we think that we rank among his creation?

Do we really think that all our efforts to manipulate our lives can have the least effect on the outcome? If we are distant from God…if we don’t visit him in the Eucharist or ask forgiveness in Reconciliation or or pray to him in silence or receive his body and blood or use our gifts to help those in need…if we fail to stay close to the Lord will any of the other stuff really matter?

We can research the best jobs, and maybe even find one. But if that is not accompanied by being close to God in the Scriptures where will your true joy come from. If you work out every morning so that you are fit in body but allow your soul to be weak in spirit, where will your ultimate journey end? And if you locate the place to live that is rated #1 in the country but do not take the time to seek out faithful people and grow connections, is this home really your home with God.

St. Paul says in the first reading from 2 Corinthians that it is only in weakness is he strong. I had always read that line and thought, well that sounds nice but what does that really mean? I think he is trying to say what Jesus is telling us in the Gospel. Stop trying to run things. Stop trying to be the engineer of your life. It does no good. When we pull away from the world…from the activities that the world says makes us strong. From relying on ourselves. Then we have room for God. We trade in the ineffectiveness, the weakness of our own selves for the strengths of God. If we rely on ourselves, we leave no room for the works of God.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given unto you”. Put your ministries first and God’s ways will be your ways. If you lector, if you are a Eucharistic Minister, if you belong to St. Vincent de Paul Society, you are involved in Cursillo, you work at a homeless shelter or food bank, you are a parent bringing up your children in the faith, you are a catechist. Or you sit quietly in adoration or in nature. Whatever it is. Do it for God and no matter where you live, no matter what your job is, what kind of car you drive, what you wear or eat. It won’t matter because the Lord will be with you always and anywhere.

Now, just where did I leave those real estate listings?

Today’s Readings

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. This is a beautiful reflection, especially as I have recently looked back (I don’t do that often) and thought of the things I hoped I would achieve, what I did get, and how wonderfully protected and guided I have been my entire life, good times and bad. The things we agonize over, God had sorted out all along. God bless you in your future decisions. We’ll still be hearing from you here, I hope!

  2. Just the right type of reflection I needed this morning. God really has a way to communicate with people when they most need it. I’ve been stressed out these past couple of days over things I now realise are too little for me to worry about. But this reflection has calmed my worries and have given me hope. I only hope that I can carry on with such a mindset from now henceforth. But certainly I’ll need to continue asking for God’s guidance since it’s easy to fall back into the old ways. God bless you and your family.

  3. Thank you for this reflection and thank you, Lord, for speaking to me. I have been praying for my marriage and today’s readings/reflection made me realize I have not completely given our relationship and the issues with which I am struggling to God.
    So thankful for my blessings and this site.

  4. Thanks for the beautiful reflection. Its just a reminder still in 2019 God takes care of everything…if we move over and let him. Peace John C.

  5. Absolutely terrific reflection. Reflects my thoughts in many ways. Ah, the road not taken, and what really matters in life?Thanks and good luck on whatever you decide.

  6. Thanks, beautiful reflection. Just get out of his way and let HIM lead. You can not go wrong, regardless of where you live as long as he leads.

  7. John, for some reason I feel I need to share this with you. I am in a job I mostly love. I recently got a job offer for a similar position with a bit less pay, and a lot better benefits. I prayed a lot about the negotiations and acceptance of the position. All I could hear from God was that he would use me in which ever position I chose. (I really wanted a clearer answer, but I suspect I wouldn’t have been happy with the answer so early in the process). After about 4 weeks of negotiations they did not agree to the salary I requested so I stayed with my old job. When it was all over I was so happy, thankful, and relieved to be staying at the place where I THEN knew God knew was best for me. I am so thankful to God for giving me that time of choice, reflection, and uncertainty so I could ascertain where I needed to be at this point in my life. I’m sure He will lead you where you need to go or stay… if you keep leaning on Him there’s no way he can get ahead or behind you. He’ll just be at your side through it all.

  8. Thank you, John. This past week was especially stressful as I tried to alternate between work and vacation time with my family. I ended up sick the night before my family was to go to an amusement park we had traveled to visit. God blessed me with health the following day for our time at the park. I woke up the next day with the same ailment I had that evening prior to going to the park. Work has been overwhelming causing me to cancel my vacation day yesterday. Your reminder to leave these worries with God is so helpful.

  9. A wonderful reflection John.Wherever you and Elise decide to retire will be where God wants you to be.Good luck!

  10. Jesus said “Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?… (…) Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:27 & 33-3. This reminded me of a song by Bobby McFerrin “Don’t worry be happy”. It was such a simple, catchy tune it had people singing along and forget about their worries just for a moment.

    He sings
    “in every life, we have some trouble
    But when you worry you make it double
    Don’t worry, be happy”

    Isn’t that close to the truth? The more we agonize over a decision, or troubles we have no control over, it just seems to double our anxieties. God knows what we need, when we need it – so, let’s Let Go and Let God!

    Have a worry-free weekend all. If you can find the song on your computer, turn it on and feel the joy.

    God bless

  11. Amen. As weak as I’m, I’ve tried and realised that all is vanity without God in my life. Thanks for sharing

  12. Thanks John for your powerful reflection. We have the illusion that we have control of our lives as projected by the world. This is one of the reasons we have crisis in the world. If we truly believe that we are not the engineers of our lives, we will totally surrender to God and believe in his divine will. I am very guilty of this as my flesh drops that block of fear that causes me to fall back to deceits. May the verses in your reflection always remain fresh in our thoughts.

  13. As a control freak, this is one of the hardest things for me to do. I was injured nine years ago and became a quadriplegic; therefore, I was forced to give up a great deal of my ability to control anything! Prior to my accident, whenever I did pray, God took care of me; I just did not pay attention to the ebb and flow and their direct correlation. Since my accident, I have come to recognize that the more I place my trust in Him, the better my existence. I have many blessings in my life, including family, a Cursillo community, and incredible friends and caregivers. I have learned what true love and commitment mean, especially as it relates to marriage; and I also had to overcome what for me was hard to accept, to be the receiver rather than the giver. I am 70 years old. I have spent time lately reflecting on my life. I am thankful that I have been chosen for this role, as I realize now what I am next called to do. Thank you for your reflection, Joe. He does indeed take care of us, and not to worry feels great!

  14. MT 6:25 – 34 is my favourite passage of the Bible. Always something I need to hear… and I can really relate it to situations in my life right now.

    Bob Burford moved to Oklahoma from Florida, not Kentucky.

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