Take Up Your Cross

I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God,
to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.
Do not conform yourselves to this age
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and pleasing and perfect.
– St Paul to the Romans

Denying ourselves, sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others, bearing our daily crosses, and offering all of that up to God for the merits of others – not our own merit. I think about these things when I reflect on the readings for today. Jesus tells us that to follow Him, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow.

This is a blessing, a grace of the crosses that come our way. Just as with Jesus, He announces to the disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly, and be killed. He must do this for the world. He must bear His literal cross, and be crucified, and die for us, so that the ship can be righted, so to speak. Peter gets so upset at this and tells Jesus that this will never happen! But Peter didn’t listen to the rest of Jesus’ words – that on the third day, He would be raised.  

There was a reason and a purpose for all that Jesus was to do and undergo, and there was a joy and a gift – a joy of salvation and a gift of eternal life.

And so, in our daily crosses, we too can find joy. We too can receive gifts and graces. God doesn’t send the suffering and tragedy our way, saying “Ha! let’s see how Joe deals with this!” I know many people think that, asking why would a good God let suffering happen? Why would a good God let such tragedy and wrongs happen to innocent people?  Why would God send a hurricane to Texas and let it dump 50 inches of rain in an area with millions of people and watch their lives be destroyed by flooding?  And that’s just here in the United States. This is happening in other parts of the world too. Why would a good God do this, we ask…?

God doesn’t do this. It is a fallen world, people have free will. We live in a world where there is nature and science, disease and weather – things just simply happen. Hurricanes hit. People get into car accidents. Planes crash. People get cancer. People get depressed. These things just happen, for no apparent reason. People get persecuted for their faith, for trying to stand-up to the negative and do something good.

I’ve experienced these or know people directly impacted by every one of these occurrences. Every time, I have questioned – why?  I never get an answer as to why. I know that God does not send these things our way, but I do know that He uses them for the better when they do occur, as opportunities for us to reach out to Him, to rely and trust in Him, to let Him guide us, and to grow our faith. To pull us towards Him.

I do know that our crosses in life, can purify us, shape our soul, our character, and our strength – if we trust in and rely on God to get us through, even if we don’t understand.

And I do know, that if we deny ourselves, sacrifice our own will and our selfish desires for the will of God, and offer up our sacrifices and suffering to Him for the good of someone else, that there is merit here. Not only does this purify our own soul, but I’ve seen prayers answered – for others – in this very act.

And so as much as I hate to see and experience any kind of trial and suffering or tragedy, there is joy and grace and a gift to be found there if we use these as an opportunity to love. To love and lean on Christ, and use these as an opportunity to love others.

If we conform ourselves to the world, to society, and let this overcome us, and we wallow in our own self-pity and selfish desires, we will be destroyed – eternally. But with each cross that comes our way, if we look at it as an opportunity to renew and grow our prayer life, and our spiritual relationship with God, and deny our wills and look to these crosses as a way to help others somehow, and ask God to show us that – we will grow immensely and we, too will be raised after our death and live eternally with Christ.

This is the joy to be found in our daily crosses. But we must deny ourselves. We must deny our will, and discern the will of God. We’ve got to deny our own wants, our own sorrows, our own selfish desires and simply let Him guide us, so that we can follow.

We must not ask the question, why would God Let this happen – but ask what is God wanting me to learn from this experience? What is God wanting me to do – right now – as a result of this cross?  What is God wanting me to share with others based upon what I am experiencing? Where is God pulling me closer to Him?

In every single instance, we will be tempted not to do this. We will be tempted to give into our own will and desires, and focus on our self, and turn away from Christ. We will have obstacles come before us, trying to prevent us from thinking this way, and following God. This is when we exclaim, as Jesus did, “Get behind me Satan! You are an obstacle to me.”

Jesus will be there, to show us the way, to renew and deepen our understanding of Him, and lead us to all that is good and pleasing and perfect.

About the Author

My name is Joe LaCombe, and I am a Software Developer in Fishers, Indiana in the USA. My wife Kristy and I have been married for 19 years and we have an awesome boy, Joseph, who is in 5th Grade! We are members of St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in Carmel, Indiana where we volunteer with various adult faith ministries. I love writing, and spending time with my family out in the nature that God created, and contemplating His wonders. I find a special connection with God in the silence and little things of everyday life, and I love sharing those experiences with all of you.

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  1. When I pray for others I hope that God hears my prayers and can help them. We do not know what God has planned for our lives but we must always place our trust in him.

  2. Dear Joe: Your reflection is one of the very best that I have encountered on how we, as followers of Christ, should respond when we are called upon to suffer. I am going to print it for future reference. All the reflections on this website are always edifying, but this one of yours spoke to me in a very personal way. Thank You.

  3. Excellent reflection Joe. Partial explanation on why is original sin and man’s mistake granting satan a foothold in our existence. mystery to evil yet a Greater Mystery to God and His works. Since the fall of man evil and good exist on earth together. Yes we don’t get the answers but we do know satan has only the same bag of tricks as usual, hence Peter not hearing all of Gods Word and missing the resurrection part. Just like Eve’s attention was drawn to the qualities of the fruit away from all of Gods Word. It’s important for me to pay attention to this because if we let satan get away with it, he will make us suffer more to discourage us, in his attempts to turn us away from God. What I’m saying is, it’s been sometimes easy in my past to do the same thing Eve and Peter has done and hear what I want to hear and not actually what was said. We don’t mean to but sin nature takes first crack at this strategy many times. God bless all, great reflection.

  4. I just got a message from a family friend who just lost her baby after giving birth this morning. It is a painful situation. Going through your reflection gave me insight of God words of hope during our trials. I’ll visit the family and encourage them to put their trust in God.that God is amazing he is only one that can change all situation in our life.thank you joe lacombe for sharing jesus to us. AMEN

  5. Thanks Joe for your touching reflection, people like you are making it easier for the masses to bear with daily struggles. May God bless you brother.

  6. Truly fabulous reflection Joe! So moving, so very true. We need to always remember God is right beside us longing for us to hold out our hand in faith, trust, and much love. Your will be done Father not mine. God bless you Joe! Thank you for your gifted writing.

  7. Wonderful reflection, particularly timely considering what happened recently in Texas and Nigeria (Makurdi). The message of suffering has been relegated to the background and has made way for prosperity gospel. I pray that we all learn to willingly and meekly carry our crosses to the glory of His name, Amen.

  8. God truly speaks to us through the Bible! I pray and offer my daily crosses up for the people in this world that don’t, wont or can’t hear His voice, that they somehow, someday, some way, can!
    Your reflection of His Word is beautiful! Thank you, Joe! I too will be printing this one and sharing it!

  9. An elderly couple, along with their grandchildren, we’re washed into the Houston floodwaters and drowned. Was Jesus there to “show them the way?” We who live and witness tragedy of innocents are to learn what God expects of us in the aftermath. How are we to reconcile the idea of a personal relationship between God and each of those who died so horribly? If God has a life plan for each of us, are we to accept that the loss of this mix of aged and young was God’s plan for them?

  10. Jack, let me wrestle with this a bit. It seems to me that God is not the author of bad decisions.

  11. Well, for reasons we do not know Jack, God chose to take these people at this time and in this way, and at this age. Only He sees the big picture. All we can do is accept that God chose to take them all at that point. My prayer and my belief is that Jesus was there, with them, in some way, and that once their fear and pain and suffering were over, he led them to Heaven. I wish I could give you the answers you seek. But I simply choose to believe that God is God, and I am not, and there was a reason he took them now in this way, just as there was a reason He let my brother die in a car crash many years ago, there was a reason he let a good friend die in a plane crash a few years ago, and the list goes on. I accept the fact that I do not understand and I accept the fact these things happen, and I believe that whether or not we live through circumstances or at some point, it’s time for us to die as well, that Jesus is there with us at that very moment. I don’t know what else we can do but accept that fact, accept His will, and simply pray, and have hope.

  12. Wonderful reflection prayers heal everyone. Why when something bad
    happens that people want to blame God???
    Could it be the work of Satan when terrible things go wrong???

  13. Thank you, Joe. I needed to hear these readings this morning. And your reflection was very encouraging with words of wisdom. It is easy to ‘wallow,’ and that is Satan’s favorite way to keep me from determining how Christ wants me to handle hurts in my marriage, and encourage resentment. Thank you for all the thought you put into your writing. The Lord will always give us a way to draw closer to him, and a lot of times draw your spouse closer at the same time, whether the spouse knows it or not. Have a blessed Sunday.

  14. Jack, I think that God gave us free will, and He gave us a life that will end; but that does not mean he orchestrates our every move and how we die. He doesn’t cause the natural disasters or the man made ones. We live our lives and things happen, good and bad. It’s how we deal with the adversities and trials as well as the joys, in which God wants us to follow Him. He wants us to come away from these trials a better person, in love and hope and faith – so that when our lives end, we shall live joyfully in His care.

  15. Great reflection Joe… Seems the readings were spot on forvtoday as was your reflection. Have a blessed day…

  16. Hey Joe,

    I enjoyed your take on today’s readings.

    A couple of things.

    First, I don’t quite agree with your statement, “But Peter didn’t listen to the rest of Jesus’ words…”. Although we weren’t there, I’m guessing that Peter heard what Jesus said perfectly, he probably didn’t understand it. Death is something we all can understand, the being raised on the third day is hard to comprehend, even today.

    Second, when it comes to trying to understand what we consider a natural disaster and the relation to an all loving God, I recommend reading “The Doors of the Sea” by David Bentley Hart. You won’t be disappointed.

    Keep up the good work,


  17. You are right, Joe. Sometimes ones failure paves the way for the success of another. Thus, such failure is a blessed failure because it was used by the Almighty God to make us see not only our own selves but also the plights and joy of our friends and neighbors. But do not let our faith diminish when something we wish does not come our way. Trust in God always. He listens and strengthens us.

  18. Thank you, Joe, for the reminder to take up our crosses on a daily basis no matter the struggles and difficulties in our lives. One may also presume, “How can God allow good things to happen to evil people?” We are all inherently evil and undeserving. Yet, our God has such a deep and abiding love for each and everyone of us. He desires that we all live in accordance to His will so that we all make it to Heaven. This entails trying everyday to stay close to Him via prayer, Bible study and serving those around us. He loves us enough to give us the free will to follow him wholeheartedly or not. Dear Lord, help us to take up our crosses daily and be able to look to the greater good of what you want us to see in the midst of trouble, hardship and heartache!

  19. Hi Joe, thanks so much for this wonderful reflection, you have really opened my eyes on how to respond when I’m in temptation.how not to ask questions why so so and is happening to me.but instead I should ask myself what is God asking wanting me learn from this experience, what does he want me to do right now, what does he want me to share with others, its so personal to me because often times I despair when I encounter difficulties. May God help me to always place my hope and trust in Him. Amen.

  20. Joe, I am so grateful for your message. It touched me in so many ways. I also struggle with the same questions Jack asked. But I have never read or heard anything that was exactly what I needed at the moment of need like your words today and they will bother me forever! Bother in a good way. I’m in the middle of an awful divorce and your words hit me and stopped me like a brick wall. Quite honestly I hope I will be black and blue until I embrace your message. Thank you, Jesus, for gifting Joe! Thank you, Joe, for gifting me! Spirit, move me to gift others!

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