
Image result for Respect

Aretha Franklin sang a song in the 60’s or 70’s entitled R E S P E C T.  the song was about a wife asking for respect from her husband. The message was there even though the prose may not have been the greatest. I use to play the grove off that song on the only album I ever owned by Aretha way back in the day. It had a great dancing beat.

Today’s scripture readings seemed far apart until I asked the Holy Spirit for guidance and then it kind of came into place for me and I must admit I am still working it out in my own head.

The readings stress respect for God and my fellow man.

Psalm 112:1 says “Blessed the man who fears the Lord.”

Luke 18:2 says “There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being.”

Here is where I had my soul searching. I asked myself the following questions:

(1)Do I respect God?

(2)Do I respect my fellow human beings?

I try to examine my conscience everyday and especially when I get that feeling I should have said something or handled something another way that is displeasing to God.

The first question I have a difficult answer that came to my mind. I know when I sin I am disrespecting God. That is a given. However, when I am trying to live my life on earth. Do I really respect, fear and Love my creator. In prayer I speak to Him and am remorseful when I do wrong but how do I show my love for Him? Do I love Him? Now it is obvious that the Devil is at work here when I doubt but I will attempt to answer in a minute.

The second question is do I respect my fellow human beings? Here again I not sure how to finish the question with a simple answer. People can be funny and kind and others I have difficulty loving and respecting. The choices others make including some of my relatives are not the ones I would make. In my travels last week I ran into two seperate individuals on the street who where having conversations with one or more people who were not there. They obviously had mental issues or I do and I just did not see the person they were speaking to. How do we love the seemingly unlovable.

Sadly one of these people in my life is one of my grandson’s who is addicted to cocaine. It is a personal tragedy for my wife who helped raise him.  It has been a year that he came by the house to visit. He speaks to his father all the time and that is how my wife and I get the second hand information. We know he is in trouble and have no way to help him without enabling him. It is seemingly hopeless.

I have recently read a quote by Saint Vincent de Paul, “We should keep our hearts open to the sufferings and wretchedness of other people and pray continually that God may grant  us that spirit of compassion which is truly the spirit of God.”

 Saint Vincent is mirroring Jesus words. The trick is not to stop.  

Luke 18:1

“Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.”

While I have problems with respect with my fellow human beings and while I am insecure about my respect for God. Jesus reminds me that I was not listening when He started the parable. Pray  constantly !

Prayer is our communication to God. That relationship is only through prayer and Jesus is saying wake up the only way to respect me is to pray. Communicate!  Our relationship is based on prayer. Others on this earth need our prayers. Not just when we think about it but constantly.  

“He will answer the chosen ones who call out to him day and night.”  Stay strong, do not doubt, do not weaken, and pray constantly.

God Bless

Bob Burford

Readings: 3 John 5-8; Psalm 112:1-2,3-4,5-6; Luke 18: 1-8

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Hey Bob,

    I truly enjoyed your reflection today.

    As usual, I do have a question for you to ponder.

    When it comes to prayer we are instructed on the who to pray to, how to pray, when to pray (seems like always) and where (pretty much anywhere).

    But why do we pray? God is all knowing.


  2. Hello,
    Mr. Bob Burford thank you reminding us on how to be persistent in communicating to our God….I too had a lots of question regarding to others if I do respect them?…but whatever it is….I talk to Jesus Christ to love me/ us to understand me/ us….

    God Bless you…

  3. In answer to Mark Misencik
    All prayer is submission to God. When we praise Him we submit. When we petition Him we submit. God does not want perfection in prayer. He wants prayer. No prayer no matter how inspiring or beautiful is perfect. It is true that God knows our thoughts and when we can’t pray sometimes because we hurt, leave the pray to the Holy Spirit. Pleas read Romans Chapter 8
    Sorry I did not submit an answer earlier. I was serving on a men’s retreat this weekend.
    God Bless
    Bob Burford

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