The anger and compassion of Moses

No question: Moses had every right to be angry as he came down from that mountain, stone tablets in hand.

Moses & ten commandments black & whiteThose ungrateful people … with so little faith. They had called out for help while enslaved in Egypt. Help came in the man, Moses, who led them to freedom. They whined when times got tough and food was scarce. Some even wanted to go back to Egypt. But Moses led through the parted sea to yet another place of freedom.

Finally, at the base of the mountain where God promised to deliver them a set of laws – the ultimate recipe to live a good life on earth and rest eternally in the peace of heaven – they became impatient, were led astray once again and turned sinful, fashioning that famous golden calf.

That did not end so well for many, as Moses cast the stone tablets into their midst and inflicted his own form of punishment as we read in today’s First Reading.

How many times have we felt such anger at those we love. Our kids. Our co-workers. Our neighbors. Our fellow Christians. Our country. Despite the warnings and the common sense “God gave a goose” (as my grandmother used to say), they seem to constantly do the wrong things.

Take for example the youngsters we warn to stay away from chasing drugs and the life of crime. They often end up dead or in prison. Or the man who cannot control his drinking and ends up behind the wheel of car headed to disaster. The growing number of drivers who insist they can read their cell phones while driving down the highway, only tragically to learn otherwise.

We get so angry. We often yell at the evening news. We condemn a generation of people who seem to be on the wrong path.

Moses could have done the same, but instead he got his anger under control and went back to the top of the mountain to plead for mercy from God.

So Moses went back to the LORD and said, “Ah, this people has indeed committed a grave sin in making a god of gold for themselves! If you would only forgive their sin! If you will not, then strike me out of the book that you have written.”
The LORD answered, “Him only who has sinned against me will I strike out of my book. Now, go and lead the people to the place I have told you. My angel will go before you. When it is time for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin.”

This is what God said: Him only who has sinned against me will I strike out of my book.

This is what he did NOT say: Forget it Moses, you are all corrupt and condemned. BAM! Be gone!

In today’s world that seems divided over so many issues, it’s easy to get caught up in the notion of condemning an entire nation, an entire race, an entire religion … but God reminds us today that it isn’t up to us to do any condemning.

God said: “When it is time for me to punish, I will punish …”

And he promises only to punish those who truly sinned against him. Not those who were innocent bystanders or those who looked guilty by association. Only those who individually sinned … and as you might suspect, only God knows who truly has sinned in his or her heart.

As we continue to fight the good fight of leading people closer to God, rather than closer to a culture that is losing touch with His laws and His way, let’s remember to avoid painting condemnation with a broad brush over a single group of people.

Let God do the judging as He sees fit.

About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. Thanks for taking the time to do this reflection.

    True words about our anger and impatience especially with our children. May God give me the grace to seek him when I become angry at my children spouse or others.

    Also, I wondered why the Israelites were always loosing their way. Were they not focused, was it the pull of the world, was it that they wanted to do things their way, not wanting to wait on God’s timing? I don’t want to judge but there are possibilities and we too could fall into the same pot.We must guard against them by daily prayer, attending mass regularly, daily devotion and keep with person who can keep us on , track.

    May God help us all

  2. This is what I don’t understand that even made me look-up Moses’ anger online. He was still with God on the mountain when God told him, look this people have gone into idolatry again, just shift aside let me destroy them and birth a clean nation through you and he replied apologetically to God on their behalf and made God to change his mind about their sinful acts. To my amazement, he came down and got the same angry he made God to calm His own and broke the stone tablets, he didn’t just stop there, after looking at them for some time, he echoed with a loud voice “who is on the Lord’s side” and he made the Levithes that rallied towards him to kill 3000 men (same thing God would have done). Yet after all these, he have to go and pray again that God forgives them. I don’t understand the anger and the compassion of Moses, he seem to get upset very easily but the way he always present this people to God again is never like he himself ever gets irritated by what they do most times. Remember that he first got angry when the people picked more mana as instructed and had left over which actually decayed and some even have to go out on the seventh day to pick against his warning, that was the first record of his anger against the children of Israel in the Bible, that one was even wrath and not just anger, and remember his own was recorded even before God’s own was talked about regarding same issue so I found out that he was a man that easily get upset when the people neglected and didn’t follow an already laid down rules and instructions, if it should be something that has to do with a situation that is unforeseen circumstance which God only has to bring the solution like crossing the red sea, throwing a stick into the water and even when they murmured against him about food, Moses understood them from the stand point that he’s the leader and have to answer these things for the people but if it has to do with an instruction, Moses can get very angry with you to the extent that it could cost a life yet he will go back to ask for mercy not for himself but for the remaining people. Why is it like that, what about Moses didn’t we know, what’s the dynamics of his humility, he was the most humble of all men on earth yet his anger deprived him of entering the promise land, what’s the real lesson in that statement?

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