20th August- one day at a time !

As a convent schooled student, we had an annual celebratory mass to begin the new academic year in the Church next door. I was barely 10 years old and in 5th grade so was seated at the far end of the church struggling to see the priest (thanks to my myopia) but the homily stuck with me always…

Father referred to one of my favourite hymns “one day at a time” and spoke about how the girl who penned it down was a singer who was diagnosed with end stage laryngeal (vocal cord ) cancer and would sing it every day she lived …. the entire idea of seeing imminent death and singing to it with an attitude of living “one day at a time” stuck with me…

In the situation of the pandemic today, when I wake up every morning, I thank God for another day in my life and work to help women in need with all the protective equipment I can get.. somedays I get selfish and detest my decision to join this profession … but then the song plays in my head ..

There is a constant fear in us regarding the future , uncertainity about our jobs, lives and worse our health. It is hard to stay faithful but like the responsorial psalm reads ,

For you are not pleased with sacrifices;
should I offer a burnt offering, you would not accept it.
My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn

I ask the Lord and the Blessed virgin mother as I started my 54 day Novena to Her for helping me fight every temptation and addiction and have faith in these trying times.Making my heart contrite and laying it down at His feet for further management of my wordly troubles and bless every one who reads this website and their families with the courage to move forward!!

PRAYER: Help me oh Lord and my dearest Mother Mary, Help me realise that I am a sinner and sorrowful about my past. Help me learn to follow you everyday and work on giving you a contrite heart and spirit one day at a time. Show me the way one day at a time!


About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. Hey, Analise. A beautiful reflection as always. Truly one day at a time as we try to do the best we can. With the Virgin Mother Mary, all can be accomplished. Blessings from Kenya.

  2. Thank you Dr A for such encouraging thoughts and words. We all need a lift in these uncertain times. “One day at a time” is a great way to humble ourselves and feel closer to the Lord. Blessings to you. And keep up the good work!

  3. Another nice reflection. Can you tell me what novena you are praying? I would be interested in also praying it.

  4. Some thoughts to share:

    In today’s parable, the King is God, the Son is Jesus. The wedding feast is the banquet in heaven. An invitation is given to selected guests, but they refuse to accept the invitation. How ironic that we refuse God’s wonderful gifts of love and mercy, when we are so desperately in need of it. The King sends his servants again to call the invited, making the invitation as attractive as possible. But instead some ignore his invitation while the others kill the servants. The King then calls any and everyone to partake of his lavish and generous banquet. The good and the bad – the King calls out to everyone to share in his banquet – our final salvation. Only be sure to wear the robe of a repentant heart and enter. Even if at the eleventh hour there is repentance, the King is generous in His mercy and we will be welcomed as God’s invited guest. If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.

  5. Thank You for this reflection! Taking one day at a time seems to be my normal lately. Your words of inspiration help give me strength!

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