12th November, Thursday-#majormissing!

Like any millenial, I have lived to see the era before social media and the rise and fall of various platforms, of the addiction and the impact it has had the youth and not so youthful humans!! I was swept with the same craze and was glued to orkut/ facebook/ instagram/snapchat/vine/tiktok….and so on until I realised it made me very unhappy being by myself!!

Whether it was being the awkward one at a party or avoiding the incessant questions from family, the cellphone and social media was an easy accessible escape from the surroundings around me and kept me abreast with the happenings of people I followed / friended or plainly stalked only online though !! ( Yes, I am guilty)But over the course of time, during a meal with a bunch of school friends I realised my entire aim was focussed on uploading the pictures of the food and the crowd that we didn’t converse at all!! The vanity and the constant need for approval through likes and comments made me wish otherwise!

So for the entire year of 2019, I went off all social media! I was not missing out on anything except odd news of a random marriage or a fashion trend or jingle making the rounds!! I realised that I do not need to post a birthday wish to my zillion relatives and family friends but a visit or a call would make them and me feel so much more important! The entire idea of seeking constant validation is what makes social media addictive , validation from other flawed humans like us! what about seeking validation from a perfect God?!

The Kingdom of God does not announce as a google advertisement flashing through my reflection or an instagram post with filters and boomerang so we are made aware about the latest trend of wearing a rosary around our necks or kneeling at the church pews with masks and gloves! No one is screaming songs of Christs love through your social media scrolls or making you accept challenges of #rosarydaily!!!!

“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed,
and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’
For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you.”

Jesus lives in the true us!! Just in our daily lives and routines, He lives amongst us, in our daily habits and mannerisms! HE doesnt need your post or Bible quote T shirt! He wants you!! The unfiltered, love handle grubby and pyjama wearing locked down YOU!! HE wants you to wake up every day and post your routine to him, HE follows us and friends us through our prayer lives and sacraments. HE posts through the Bible and He even sends advertisements for Himself through acatholic.org and other websites and links! I know it all sound fancy but to be honest, the change is real when we focus on Him and make our life a witness to His love!

Let us just make our profile more fancy in Gods book, let us post more time and challenges with Him!! Maybe some day we may get the blue tick of approval through the pearly Gates!! #praiseGod#becatholic #JEsusisLord!

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for being my guiding light and help me seek you in our daily lives! Help me to dump my issues at your feet and seek rest! LEad me Lord to a life of virtue and honesty!! Help me be your witness everyday everywhere!Amen

P.S please pray for my patient and the pure soul in her womb who is undergoing an abortion tomorrow!

About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. Thank you for another interesting and relatable reflection, Analise! I pray for your patient – I do not know her circumstances or what brought her to this decision, and I pray that God gives her strength and shows her his love.

  2. Peter, we are praying for you! You are loved and cherished by God. You are irreplaceable and one of a kind. We beg of you not to take your own life! 🙏

  3. Peter, you are loved please dont stop looking for hope there is always hope… surrender, let go. All will be well. God never leaves us. I will offer mass for you today .

  4. Thank you for that oh-so-right reflection, Annalise! PETER: don’t give up! I have been there and the answer is Prayer BUT ALSO GET MEDICAL/PSYCHIATRIC HELP. There are wonderful medications now that cam quickly raise you out of deep depression and anxiety! That’s what I did and I am still here and happy!

  5. Dearest Peter,
    All of us here are praying for you. The Lord will come through for you in a verry big and special way. DO NOT GIVE UP.

    Thank you Dr. A. for this beautiful reflection. “…The Kingdom of God does not announce as a google advertisement flashing through my reflection”. This part really spoke to me.God bless you richly. I am praying for a miracle for your patient too.

  6. A wonderful analogy. God is indeed our biggest fan and supporter. Thanks for your millennial wisdom. Praying for your friend and the little unborn soul.

    Peter, remember you are loved. Keep the faith, trust in the goodness of God. Please ask for help. Surrounding you in prayer.

  7. Peter,
    You have my prayers, concern and care, hold on! God says BEHOLD I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. Trust in those words. Life can be unbearably hard sometimes but you can and will get through it. Hold on! Talk it out with a close friend, family member, doctor, teacher, or priest. There are free resources on the internet also, or call 1-800-273-8255. Let us know how you’re doing today. We care!

  8. Peter, lean on God. He is there for you. Please talk to someone. 1-800-273-8255 is a good place to start. You are worthy.

    Analise, thank you for your wonderful reflection!

  9. Peter, please know that you are not alone; there are friends all over the world praying for you right now! Peace Be With You.

  10. Analise, thanks for another thought provoking reflection! I’m praying for your patient and her unborn baby……………my heart breaks.
    Peter! There is always hope! Please don’t give up. Think of the many hearts that will be broken if you aren’t here. Leslie has some very good advice about seeking help. Please do! I’m praying for you!!!

  11. Analise, thank for a beautiful reflection. Your patient and her baby are in my prayers.

    Peter, you are so valued and so loved and so very precious. Jesus loves you so much. We all do. You have worth, so much of it. We are all here for you. You will be in my constant prayers today. Please don’t end your life. Please.

  12. Peter, you and the pure unborn soul, and the baby’s mom, are all of equal value in God’s eyes. Worth every struggle. As awful and impossible as things can seem, He is there. Please let Him embrace you in your pain and anguish. I will offer up my prayers at Mass this morning for you, and the mom and baby, all precious souls.

  13. Peter, Please heed and take to heart the words and prayers that are here for you today. They are not idle thoughts, they are said from the heart. Take a moment to listen for the urgings of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you on the right path to God’s unwavering love for you.

  14. Annalise we are probably around the same age – I also went off social media and it was the best decision -it bothered me so much to see everyone posting things for everyone else’s validation and approval when truly we just need God. Now I have a secret. Instagram to follow my favorite tennis players but I don’t follow any of my actual friends or family and I love it.

    Peter, Jesus loves you…..He even sent you to this page because He knew we will all pray for you and support you. Don’t give up, just give it all to God

  15. Life is precious and as much as the situation can be intolerable and crushing, ending it is not a solution! We at acatholic.org shall pray for the intercession of Mama Mary to help and Holy spirit to guide you through these trying times, Peter!! Please use all the resources around you -medical/ religious for helping you!

  16. Dearest Peter. The grace and mercy of God’s love through Jesus Christ be with you. Please seek help for your needs and he will answer you. He will never let you down. May God bless you. Praying for you now Peter.

  17. I’m praying for your patient and the precious life in her womb.

    Peter, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary situation. There is no turning back. Please reach out for help. My prayers are with you today.

  18. Peter — Please ask the Lord to fill your heart with the Holy Spirit and give you strength. I am asked the Lord to do just that and I am sure that he will. Please be strong and you will be fine. Please talk to a close family member, friend, or priest for support. God bless you.

    Analise — Thank you for your reflection.

  19. Praying for Peter and for Analise’s patient and her baby. May God’s will be done in all things. Remember, God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

  20. Peter, you are a child of God. He loves you and wants you to get the help you need. Please let someone know what you are feeling. The Holy Spirit will guide you and whoever you talk to get the help you need. I will offer my mass and communion this morning for you.
    Also praying for the mother and her baby that the love of God will help her to change her mind.

  21. Peter, please know that you are so loved by God. Fight the good fight and know that there are many, many people praying for you. Just take one day at a time and know that you will be remembered in my daily prayers. Glad you had the courage to write this message. Just look at all of us who have responded to you. We care for you. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  22. Dear Dr. Analise, thank you for that
    powerful reflection. I pray your friend does not end the life of her baby.
    You stated the unborn baby’s “pure soul”.
    From my recollection all baby’s are born with the stain of original sin – thus Baptism. Not being disrespectful – just a little clarification here. Is this just a technicality of the church’s teach?
    Also, glad you cut social media, congrats!

  23. Peter I hope you are reading each and everyone of these comments, there is good advice. This may sound selfish but having lost my sister to suicide, think of your loved ones whose lives will be directly affected by this selfless act. It’s heartbreaking and unbearable at times to accept, “if only”, will always be in their minds. I miss my sister and what could have been, please seek help. You are loved and not alone!
    Analise Thank You for this reflection it’s made me realize how addictive social media can be! I’m also praying for your patients who struggle with the decisions of the unborn. May they find strength! 🙏🏼

  24. My prayers and love go out to you Peter.You are precious in the eyes of God and he is speaking to you through us and all those who have offered prayers and helpline access.You are LOVED.
    My prayers and love to Analise’s patient and her unborn baby.I will pray for a miracle today that she decides to keep her baby and that she gets the support she needs.
    A wonderful reflection Analise and every word is so true.How sad that so many of us look for validation from countless strangers when God loves each one of us unconditionally despite all our imperfections.

  25. Analise, thank you for your gentle words. May God bless you always. I’m praying for the mother and child, that our Lord Jesus will help her. And Peter, please don’t give up, Jesus is right beside you…take his hand and let him heal you. He did for me. He will do it for you. Love to each of you.

  26. Peter I hope you are reading each and every one of these posts, there is good advice. This may sound selfish; but having lost my sister to suicide think about the people who will be directly affected by this act. They will always be thinking “what if”, and mourn your loss forever! Please seek help and know you are loved. God bless you!
    Analise I will be praying for your patients who are struggling with the pain and decision of abortion. The consequences of this decision is hard to live with! God bless!

  27. Pete, you don’t know me and even if I don’t know you, please be assured of my prayers. PLEASE reach out to a friend/family member. God protect you and keep you safe!

    Analise, your reflection has blessed me today! Thank you. Praying for your patient and the baby. May His Holy Spirit stop this evil in Jesus’ name! Amen.

  28. Peter, so many of us are praying just for you! The bible says Jesus came for us sinners.You are so precious to Him that he has moved all of us to respond to you, to pray for you.. He cares and all of us writing to you care about you.

  29. Peter, God loves you! We love you! Please reach out to someone for help.

    Analise, great reflection! Praying also for the baby and the mom…that the Holy Spirit enlighten her mind and touch her heart to make the right decision.

  30. Peter, I belong to a prayer line with 78 others. I have asked the prayer line to pray you will find the answer to you problems.

  31. Thank you, Dr. Analise for this wonderful reflection. My prayers are with your patient.

    Peter, please you’re so special to God and us. Taking your life isn’t and will never be the best option. No matter how bad your condition is, it’s still not the worst. God loves you dearly; please don’t break His heart.

  32. Peter, we hear you and beg you to grab hold of life. You are loved. There is hope for your future. Your life matters more than you realize at this moment. Blessed Mary, hold Peter in your loving arms as he seeks help.

    Lord I am praying for the distressed, especially the unborn, any woman considering abortion, and dear Peter.

  33. Peter, you are in my prayers – I pray that you soon see your value and worth, that you find relief for your sadness, and that you stay with us in the world. Your life has meaning, even if it seems hopeless right now. You are loved. Thank you for reaching out and asking for our prayers – you deserve them.

  34. Thank you Analise for this lovely reflection. I will pray for the mother and unborn baby. I will pray for you Peter, that you may find peace in your life.

  35. Dear Peter, I also do not know you and hope that you read this but I pray that God will continue to strengthen you and cuddle you with His grace and limitless love. His way shall always prevail, please lean on Him even more. I also urge you to in parallel please seek Medical assistance too. Dear Analise, as usual, you nailed it! I also pray for your patient and the soul in her.

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