Like any millenial, I have lived to see the era before social media and the rise and fall of various platforms, of the addiction and the impact it has had the youth and not so youthful humans!! I was swept with the same craze and was glued to orkut/ facebook/ instagram/snapchat/vine/tiktok….and so on until I realised it made me very unhappy being by myself!!
Whether it was being the awkward one at a party or avoiding the incessant questions from family, the cellphone and social media was an easy accessible escape from the surroundings around me and kept me abreast with the happenings of people I followed / friended or plainly stalked only online though !! ( Yes, I am guilty)But over the course of time, during a meal with a bunch of school friends I realised my entire aim was focussed on uploading the pictures of the food and the crowd that we didn’t converse at all!! The vanity and the constant need for approval through likes and comments made me wish otherwise!
So for the entire year of 2019, I went off all social media! I was not missing out on anything except odd news of a random marriage or a fashion trend or jingle making the rounds!! I realised that I do not need to post a birthday wish to my zillion relatives and family friends but a visit or a call would make them and me feel so much more important! The entire idea of seeking constant validation is what makes social media addictive , validation from other flawed humans like us! what about seeking validation from a perfect God?!
The Kingdom of God does not announce as a google advertisement flashing through my reflection or an instagram post with filters and boomerang so we are made aware about the latest trend of wearing a rosary around our necks or kneeling at the church pews with masks and gloves! No one is screaming songs of Christs love through your social media scrolls or making you accept challenges of #rosarydaily!!!!
“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed,
and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’
For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you.”
Jesus lives in the true us!! Just in our daily lives and routines, He lives amongst us, in our daily habits and mannerisms! HE doesnt need your post or Bible quote T shirt! He wants you!! The unfiltered, love handle grubby and pyjama wearing locked down YOU!! HE wants you to wake up every day and post your routine to him, HE follows us and friends us through our prayer lives and sacraments. HE posts through the Bible and He even sends advertisements for Himself through and other websites and links! I know it all sound fancy but to be honest, the change is real when we focus on Him and make our life a witness to His love!
Let us just make our profile more fancy in Gods book, let us post more time and challenges with Him!! Maybe some day we may get the blue tick of approval through the pearly Gates!! #praiseGod#becatholic #JEsusisLord!
Prayer: Thank you Jesus for being my guiding light and help me seek you in our daily lives! Help me to dump my issues at your feet and seek rest! LEad me Lord to a life of virtue and honesty!! Help me be your witness everyday everywhere!Amen
P.S please pray for my patient and the pure soul in her womb who is undergoing an abortion tomorrow!